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Thread: A couple more from Puerto Montt

  1. #1
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Brian Grant

    A couple more from Puerto Montt

    Just to put the previous image in perspective, Puerto Montt is actually at sea level. I arrived on the MS Zaandam from Holland America.

    A tour took us up into the lakes area and stopped at a coffee shop/bar on the mountain. We had approximately one hour at the stop. There were options to take a ski lift up or walk. I chose to walk up the side of the mountain since you can't stop a ski lift for a shot and if you don't take it it's gone.

    The first image here is shortly before I climbed another 50 meters or so and if you look closely can see the dark outcrops and people from the original image near the center.

    A couple more from Puerto Montt

    The second image is in the opposite direction looking down into the fertile flatlands of the mountain hollows.

    A couple more from Puerto Montt

    I also decided I liked another shot from that of the first post and a crop which included a bit of sky to indicate the slope of the mountain.

    A couple more from Puerto Montt

    If I don't stop playing with this stuff I'll never get my holiday happy snaps slideshow completed and the art and social director will be MOST unhappy.

  2. #2
    Rebel's Avatar
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    Re: A couple more from Puerto Montt

    They are very dark, makes it hard to see any detail.

  3. #3

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    Re: A couple more from Puerto Montt

    I am with what Matt said ' about to dark ', this applied to the first two, the third image looks fine to me.......well, just my two cents worth........


  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: A couple more from Puerto Montt

    Agree about the dark with the first two, the third there is something I like but I think there may be a little too much black at the bottom and it isn't adding to the image. I do love the scale of the people to the size of the mountain though.

  5. #5

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    Re: A couple more from Puerto Montt

    I really like #3. Perhaps cut 30mm off the bottom. That is only my opinion.
    Cheers Mugge

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: A couple more from Puerto Montt

    I like the third image.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: A couple more from Puerto Montt

    Quote Originally Posted by Saorsa View Post
    a crop which included a bit of sky to indicate the slope of the mountain.
    It might help you to know that I didn't realize the earlier versions were a mountain. Including the sky in this crop clearly displays that it is.

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