RPart 4
OK – so we are done with looking silly taking pictures of the grass and we have chosen the ISO – with practice that takes about ten seconds to do. With more practice it is done before you get there
Now we need to choose the CAMERA MODE . . .
Shutter Priority; Aperture Priority or Program Mode are the choices that will give you manual override capacity via EXPOSURE COMPENSATION and thereby be very useful for LEARNING new SKILLS.
I am choosing NOT to comment on either Program Mode or Exposure Compensation. For the purposes of progressing you skills in The Craft at this time, I believe it would be sufficient for you to choose either Aperture Priority or Shutter Priority for that Shooting Scenario.
Although often seemingly counter intuitive, if one knows the EV range of the Shooting Scenario Aperture Priority is usually arguably the better choice, because, when shooting Subjects in the bright areas of the scene, the Shutter speed will always be faster than 1/400s and that will afford you extra safety apropos blur due to Camera Shake or Subject Movement - the ONLY consideration is ensuring that when making a shot the darkest area of the shooting scenario at the SELECTED APERTURE and ISO, there will be adequate Shutter Speed
So let’s choose Aperture Priority and set the Aperture to F/8. (Let’s also for a moment just forget about Depth of Field altogether).
BUT – (thinking backwards and to my point above) we know that IF we get into shooting in the darkest area of the playground and we use F/8 then we will need ISO800 to maintain 1/400s – so there are considerations that you must take into account with these choices that you make. . . . so a choice of ISO800 would be prudent
On the other hand why not choose Shutter Priority and select 1/400s to use - well that's an option, but one I would argue in this particular shooting scenario is the less better. If we set S Mode and selected 1/400s as the Shutter Speed and ISO 800 as the ISO, then when the kids are in the (assumed) brightest area of the Shooting Scenario, we would be pulling F/22 @ 1/400s @ ISO800 - and that will/may have other problems regarding image quality - AND - we will always be at 1/400s and 1/400s might just not be the actual safest shutter speed.
That's the main reason why I wrote although it appears counter intuitive to use A Mode - it does seem logical on first glance to simply select a safe shutter speed and run with it. There are other reasons not to choose S Mode, but they are minor in this particular conversation.