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Thread: Cemeteries series (crit, please)

  1. #21
    Max von MeiselMaus's Avatar
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    Re: Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    Right, here comes Brompton Cemetery. I had sun for this one, which was both a treat and a nuisance, as overcast is better for the sorts of colours and textures in a cemetery, not to mention the mood. But I timed my visit to hit Golden Hour, and had fun running from one side of the cemetery to the other to get shots of the sun coming through the doors, then the colonnade, then the doors again.

    Only on shoot three of seven and already they are starting to become samey. All colonnades and doorways. I tried shooting some other things (full buildings and tombstones) but those ones stank, so I am stuck with colonnades and doorways. At least I managed to take advantage of someone walking into my shot by including him in it, the rascal.

    First shoot with my Fujifilm X-E1 with the Fujinon XC 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS. Apart from everything being rather soft (which might well have been me) I thoroughly enjoyed using it. Colours seem insipid, but I will increase the colour level in camera and see if that helps. Nice camera to use and much more convenient than carrying a DSLR around.

    Again, any hints, tips and tish are very welcome. These are quick edits and I will go back and do it properly when I have more time. The one thing I have just noticed is that, having done some minor rotations to a couple, my aspect ratios are out slightly. Ignore that, if you can.

    Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    Cemeteries series (crit, please)
    Last edited by Max von MeiselMaus; 2nd March 2015 at 10:31 PM.

  2. #22

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    Re: Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    You are way past my skill level so no critique but I do have a challenge? Cemeteries are places of incredible emotions. Emotions that run the gamut from deepest sorrow to ethereal love and joy. Can you find a way to express the love and joy?

  3. #23

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    Re: Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    The leading lines make these images superb. I would hesitate taking up Brian's challenge.
    I've found that intruding on grief is somewhat in a cemetery???

  4. #24
    Max von MeiselMaus's Avatar
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    Re: Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    Thanks for the suggestion, Brian. You know, I could try that. My mindset when I first started these was to get strong shapes and leading lines and to really work on composition. Now, however, I can't get that out of my head, so they are all starting to look the same. Trying for emotion would be a completely different sort challenge. There was a lone daffodil, first of the season, in Brompton and I tried to get a lone-flower-of-hope-amdist-the-graves corny type thing going, but light was all wrong. But, yes, OK. I will have a think about that. I have no idea how I would do it, but that is the point, really.

    William, don't worry. I won't be photographing people. Some of these cemeteries no longer have new burials (this being one of them) and the others have a restriction on no photos of mourners or of graves with fresh flowers on them, so there is not the option to be intrusive, even if I had wanted to be. And there is some joy to be had in a cemetery, if you think of the memorial as a celebration of a person's life rather than a mourning of their passing. This last one was certainly joyful. It was a beautiful afternoon in a smart area of London and the families were out with their children and dogs and the old folks sitting on the benches with a book. It was heartening to see the place so well used.

  5. #25
    KimC's Avatar
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    Re: Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    My kind of images Max! What a great place to be able to photograph! Please do post another thread...

  6. #26
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    What a difference a bit of sun makes! With the exception of the third shot, a much closer look is required to identify these places as cemeteries. Some of the scenes look more like the cloisters in a monastery.

    Again, a very nicely executed series. I especially like the way that the way that you have captured the way that the light and shadows interplay and create patterns in the fourth image.

  7. #27

    Re: Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    I love the exposures and feel of the first set, especially the first two, and fully agree that the overcast ambience seems spot on for the subject matter. The second series I don't care for, but only because you spoiled me with your first set.

    This has been a most informative series and thread for me. Thanks and keep up the great work.

  8. #28

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    Re: Cemeteries series (crit, please)

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    The leading lines make these images superb. I would hesitate taking up Brian's challenge.
    I've found that intruding on grief is somewhat in a cemetery???
    I was not suggesting photographing people during a burial that would certainly be intrusive and tacky. But i am a retired pastor that has seen and felt the love and joy that can be found in cemeteries. Read some inscriptions if you get a chance.

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