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Thread: Pet Portraits - please post them here

  1. #81

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    Re: Ginny

    You guys are great at making me take a closer look. I noticed the white on Ginny's nose (but not until I had posted it here!) and I did try a sharpen on her photo. I think the ISO was the killer there. I didn't notice the white blur in Kitty's shot (it's a window), but I did regret not removing the table cloth as the pattern clashes with everything around it. Yes, I can see now that cropping some off the left would help. I tried to keep some on the right so as to not box her in.


  2. #82

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    Re: Ginny

    Hi, Myra;

    I agree with Wendy and Dave: the shot of Ginny is a brilliant treatment, wonderful composition. Could I go even farther, and suggest that rather than trying to fix it in post-processing, you recreate the shot with a little more light for lower ISO, but as soft as possible? You really have a great concept here: the understated tones, with the strong focus on the soulful eye, just makes such a special image.


  3. #83
    Steaphany's Avatar
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    Re: Foamy the Squirrel

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahil View Post
    Hey Steaphany, Your squirrel is very cute. I have always wondered if its possible to tame one. But I guess not!
    Just wanted to post a "Life with Foamy" update. Earlier today, Foamy was jumping about her house (cage) wanting attention. This is normal and usually means that she wants me to pick her up and bring her to my friend, her mommy, to stretch out on a shoulder acting like a furry epaulet, hang from mommy's shirt by her feet with arms stretch out as in a flying Superman pose, or run the Squirrel 500 racing around mommy so fast that she's just a blurr.

    Well, Foamy was in a strange mood and once standing on mommy's hand, she sank her teeth into a finger all the while clawing with her razor tipped hands. Nothing could have been done to prevent this, Foamy's reaction speed is just so much faster than ours. (Hint: Don't piss off a Squirrel, you'd never get away if they decide to attack) Well, we got Foamy off the finger, and safely into her house. We have no idea why she did this to mommy or why she didn't go after me, we suspect that Foamy's connection to her mommy is so strong that her emotions are just more intence prompting these behaviours. "I love you and you did xxx/didn't do yyy, so I'm mad >Chomp<"

    Everyone was safe, nothing more than few scratches, no breaks to the skin, but still a good pinch. A pet, no; a tempermental furry child with OCD, yup.

  4. #84

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    Re: Foamy the Squirrel

    Steaphany: I hope it was just an isolated incident and that Foamy and your friend are alright. Any chance it has something to do with the time of year and hormones?


  5. #85
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    Re: Foamy the Squirrel

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    Steaphany: I hope it was just an isolated incident and that Foamy and your friend are alright. Any chance it has something to do with the time of year and hormones?

    Hi Wendy,

    Yes, everyone is fine.

    As far as hormones or Foamy being sexually/reproductively "antisocial", I doubt it. My friend has experience as a veterinary assistant and has done research on Squirrels just to know what to expect. From the papers she's been able to find, it seems that a female Squirrel will usually be reproductively receptive for just one day a season. Wild female Squirrels end up indulging as many males that they can find as long as the mood lasts. My friends crudely terms this as "Chitter, Chitter, Gang Bang".

  6. #86
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Ginny

    Hi Myra,

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritimer1 View Post
    You guys are great at making me take a closer look. I noticed the white on Ginny's nose (but not until I had posted it here!)
    I would be embarrassed to reveal just how many times I still only see stuff once it is online.

    But here's a clue; it's got so bad, I leave the images open in Elements until I have uploaded onto PBase, so I 'final' review there and can go back to image and undo+further process then jpg save again (without quality loss), before uploading 'over' the duff one.

    Same if I tweak one of the CiC members pics and use TinyPic here, I always leave the picture open in Elements until I have Previewed the post

    I'm a bloke, so the 'pattern clash' didn't worry me


  7. #87
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Pet Portraits - please post them here

    I would be embarrassed to reveal just how many times I still only see stuff once it is online.
    Yeah - what's that about? Must be something psychological ... or maybe our minds just work in a funny way!! It's the same with typos in text. I know I transpose letters in certain words; i.e. always type 'teh' instead of 'the'. But still miss lots of them when checking and only see it once I've posted.

  8. #88
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Pet Portraits - please post them here

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    Hi Antonio: All 3 of these are great and I cannot pick a favourite. #2 does make me chuckle though. Wendy
    Hope to be able to post more soon...
    Thank you.

  9. #89

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    Re: Foamy the Squirrel

    Ooh, that must have hurt! I was picturing a trip to ER for a tetnus shot.

    Glad all ended well


  10. #90
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Neighour's dog

    Pet Portraits - please post them here

  11. #91

    Re: Neighour's dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Pet Portraits - please post them here

    Foamy the squirrel? I think not. Perhaps you forgot to change the title? Made me laugh though.

    EDIT - That's better!

  12. #92

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    Re: Neighour's dog

    That is one happy puppy who looks all played out. Antonio, I think you are having fun with these dog photos


  13. #93
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Neighour's dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritimer1 View Post
    That is one happy puppy who looks all played out. Antonio, I think you are having fun with these dog photosTC! Myra
    He is very young yes and I caressed him while he was trying to bite my shirt

    I was holding the G9 at the same moment trying to get one picture with two elements: my hand and him but the one I got was blurred and I erased it.

    I do have another one but I can't work on it at this very moment.

  14. #94
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    Not my area but anyway

    Pet Portraits - please post them here

  15. #95

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    Re: Henry

    Alis: it might not be your area, but it looks pretty good to me. Nice expression in the eyes. I know a lot of people who stick their tongues out when getting their photo taken, but not any dogs. Very cute.


  16. #96

    Re: Henry

    My parents' old dog, Teal:
    Pet Portraits - please post them here

    I think that was taken the last time I saw him....I'd moved out a few years previous to that pic being taken (Jan 2007) but he used to be my excuse to get out for a smoke. He was well walked

  17. #97

    Re: Henry

    Parents' new dog Ti (as in titanium)

    Pet Portraits - please post them here

    Would love my own dog but wouldn't feel right about leaving it at home while I'm out working all of the time. If I ever win the lottery sod the fancy cars....I want a dog

  18. #98
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Portuguese dog

    Pet Portraits - please post them here

  19. #99

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    Re: Portuguese dog

    Ok, Portuguese dog is just adorable. I don't care if there is a pole behind him. Look at how Antonio captured those eyes. If pet shelters had this kind of photo in their ads, they would have no trouble finding homes for their animals.

  20. #100
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Portuguese dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritimer1 View Post
    Ok, Portuguese dog is just adorable. I don't care if there is a pole behind him. Look at how Antonio captured those eyes. If pet shelters had this kind of photo in their ads, they would have no trouble finding homes for their animals.
    We like dogs here at home.
    We had three some years ago but they are all gone now.

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