Whoaa, those eyes. I wouldn't want to try and stare her down. Beautiful Cat, I believe Mimi has visited us before. It was very nice of her to sit and post so nicely for you.
Whoaa, those eyes. I wouldn't want to try and stare her down. Beautiful Cat, I believe Mimi has visited us before. It was very nice of her to sit and post so nicely for you.
Good for you, Donald! That is a fantastic photo. I hope this will open even more avenues for you when other organizations see your work.
Hi Wendy
Great photo, I like animal photos and sometimes the witty titles people give to them. I have attached two photos of our puss Smokey. He's been a great friend. When I had my business I was at times working very long hours and late at nights. Smokes would wander up the back of the house into the office, watch what I was doing on the computer and then curl up asleep on a chair next to me. With some decent music, Smokes and I got a lot of work done.
The first photo I took inspiration from your post for the title and called it "Take that Camera out of my face."
The second taken about 10 years ago and I call it "The CEO asleep on the job".
Hi Delboy: Yup, he has that look in the first one that says "OK enough already, I'm tired of this" I love the second one too, I don't know if he's in the in box or out box, but it's typical place for a cat to sleep. They can be so annoying, but ya gotta love them.
No wonder the Pet Thread just grows and grows! Love the recent kitty photos I'm going to throw a dog among them, though!
Awwwwww Myra, she is beautiful - now talk about expressive eyes. Her personality certainly comes through in this shot and I love the way you have softened the edges to draw attention to the eyes and face. Very nice!
Thanks, Wendy, but it's confession time I wouldn't know how to soften it that well on purpose - it was like that right out of the camera. I used the 85mm f1.8 lens. It's pretty good for portraits and gives a very shallow depth of field, as you can see. She had just sat down to rest about 6m from me when I took this picture. I cropped it a little bit to get rid of the driveway that was showing at the top. I found this lens on a local Kijiji site about two months ago and use it a lot.
Speaking of techniques, how did you get every hair so sharp and the eyes so clear on Buttons? Wow. It seems to be more than just USM. Nice effect!
Hi Peter thanks again for your edit i'm making errors while posting,will have to study up and rectify them.
Lucy's paddock is the almost unrestricted run of the house and yard and she has not been confined since she was a kitten.As for grub she gets the best of it.
All the best Pat.
Montgomery - extremely cranky cat. I think he clawed me right after taking this shot..
Processed in Lightroom after applying band-aid
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 1st September 2010 at 10:01 PM.