Considering how long I've been making photos of transparent and translucent subjects that produce direct reflections, you would think I could make a photo like this fairly quickly. Not so; I'm so slow! The first photo is the result of an afternoon and part of a morning of work in which I made three photos in completely different styles. Even then I still didn't come up with anything satisfactory until I created the two images shown below using the third style. It's a darned good thing I enjoy the process every bit as much as the results; otherwise, I wouldn't be photographing this type of subject.
EDIT: I added the second photo using the same setup as the first one except no tabletop is included in the second one.
A large continuous-light lamp shining toward the subject and camera through a large circular diffuser and around a background of black felt. A small continuous-light lamp with a flag lighting the straws from the lower left. A medium continuous-light lamp lighting the straws from the upper right. The tabletop is glossy black acrylic. The lens is "looking through" a rectangular hole cut in the center of a black card to eliminate flare.
Click to display the largest size in the Lytebox to fully appreciate the translucent characteristic of the straws.