nice, hope there is a hip flask with something warming hidden in there somewhere - or is mans best friend trained to get one on command![]()
Mark, in this particular wilderness area, trails are well marked to the nearest *first aid* locations, however upon returning home, dog was rewarded for her wilderness skill with a tasty Greenie while I poured a chilled Vodka and Tonic; best way to fight the cold is with an equally cold drink, once inside of course. Don't want to become hypothermic while outdoors.
Very nice.
Beautiful photo, and what a gorgeous dog! I'm envious of your snow and your dog (I live in a snow starved city and I'm missing my dog who is no longer with me).
The pooch is looking a little happier of the two.
Thanks John.
Thanks Christina, I don't know that I would really, really miss snow but, no longer having that furry family member, there'd be a big empty hole so yeah, I understand.
Dan, you do realize that the pooch is the small blonde on the right, yes?I'm happy, wondering the wilds with my trusty poo-triever, what could be better.
Brrrr.. That looks (and most likely is) cold as heck. My doodle loves snow but I prefer to visit snow rather than have the white stiff visit me!
Adorable dog and nice photo! My pooch would love the snow but we never get any!
Richard, not so cold...30 F today, better than the single digits a week ago. NYC has fared better than New England, we keep getting hit almost twice a week it seems, with snow. Actually being in the city is great, hardly any snow (well today yeah) but it's like Florida compared to the rest of N.E.
And FWIW, my doodle goes insane for snow, I swear she thinks its cold beach sand.
Barbara, pm me your address and I'll gladly ship you some snow. Say 5 cubic yards to start, plenty more where that comes from.
You look quite warm...your furry friend on the other hand looks a bit damp (but happy)! Great capture![]()
All joking aside, it's a terrific photo that you and your family will cherish for years. (The buildings leaning outward don't bother me at all, though that characteristic will probably bother some people.)
Back to joking mode: Do you always dress with such sartorial splendor simply so your dog can do its business? Perhaps it's because you wanted your clothing to be the ideal background for capturing the falling snow in the photo? Even so, isn't it a bit too much that the color of your footwear and the trim on your sleeves coordinates with the color of your dog's leash? You seem to be wearing something on your head in addition to the hood. Should I infer from that that you're wearing a belt and suspenders? Or perhaps your footwear is secured with laces, snaps and Velcro?
Last edited by Mike Buckley; 2nd March 2015 at 07:15 AM.
Very nice image Jack. Certainly reminds me my boy who is not with me anymore too.
Thanks Shane, actually we're both warm, she has a thick fur coat on, the snow doesn't even melt on her back while we're outside.
Thanks Mike, a friend took the pic with an eyefone and texted it to me, surprisingly bad quality in this image for some reason.
To your questions: Footwear is Timberlines, the trim on my sleeve is the loop end of the leash, I'm wearing a black wool cap plus the hood. Snow was coming down hard so the hood is just added warmth and keeps the snow from going down my neck. Not just a business walk, out for about an hour wandering the wilderness that is Manhattan.
Thanks Binnur, since I've had her I can't imagine not having her. She's not quite 2 so she'll be around for a good long time, to say she's spoiled is an understatement (but definitely well behaved and trained.)
Jack! You're all ruggged up. What is the dog wearing? Or don't canines feel the cold?
Jack! As you take good care of Boo Doo...she takes good care of you too. You teamed up so well together in this shot. Who took the photo? Is this a selfie on a stick (aka tripod) in the middle of the street? I love the hoodie idea with the beanie. Now that I am back in the fridge, I will try that when taking the other two smaller doggies out tomorrow yawning...good idea.
P.S. might learn how to drink vodka too -- might make learn how to speak Russian...![]()