Very nice for your first attempt. You achieved a good depth of field there. You might already know what depth of field is but if you dont know what it is ill try my best to explain it for you.
Depth of field or DOF is basically the amount of area in your photo which is out of focus and the amount that is in focus. By choosing a narrow F number you managed ti isolate the leave buy blurring everything else around it. Please ignore this if you already know what depth of field is and if I havent explained it very well im sure another member will be more than happy to give you a more in depth tutorial. Good job.
I like your images, I do think you have an eye for photography. Next time try
also experimenting with wider f stops. I noticed that the three images were all
shut at f/5.6 to isolate your subjects. Experiment, experiment and you will
definitely improve.
Be aware that this site has many tutorials...depth of field explained here...
Nice efforts and welcome to the group.
Welcome Aman. I like the 3rd image compositionally. I would suggest you should read the tutorials in CinC to improve technically. This is what I did in the beginning.
Welcome to the group Aman. Experimenting, dipping into the tutorials and posting your work for comment is the best way to learn.
Welcome Aman, I like them all but the second one would benefit from a higher f-stop(number). The fence would lead the eye down the path nicely. If possible go back and shoot that one again at different f-stops. I think you will like the result.
One thing i just learnt that i've to work a lot on "A" mode and explore he true beauty of depth of field photos.
Thanks @Boyer for the link:
Thanks Ole, Mark, John & Binnur for the valuable suggestions...
Good start Aman, you've definitely got an eye for composition.
Matt..Thanks, i'll try my level best
Welcome Aman,
They all appear to be sharp where you wanted them to be, so that's a pretty good start. No obvious over or under exposure that's another good start.
You can 'enhance' each image in post processing, do you have any programe to undertake this?
Thanks Grahame,
Actually I'm unable to decide for which program software i must go for post processing, please enlighten me regarding this..