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If you use a 'wider' aperture, say coming from f/22 to f/11 you will be allowing more light in, in which case you can use a faster shutter speed, not slower.
I mentioned this purely based on your comment that you are concerned about you images not having a 'clean polished' look and associating that with sharpness. It may very well be that you are being over critical of your work, a good thing, so there is scope with these shots to possibly get a greater IQ.
But saying that I have a number of similar slow water, rocks and detail shots that I have taken at f/22 to help me achieve that water effect of which I have no concerns about the sharpness as I feel it can be compensated for in post at these type of resolutions.
Regarding the use of a polariser they are very useful for these shots as additionally you can reduce reflection, you can also stack an ND on the front if required.