First point. I am not even sure if I am allowed to do this. But being a 'senile, geriatric, street urchin, ' "boldness be my friend," as someone once muttered.Or did I read it? No doubt the 'CIC Heavies ' will descend on me like the proverbial 'ton of bricks' if they deem me to have been 'naughty.'No matter. Anyway...
I was doing something rather dangerous and rather silly the other day.I was watching a training photo video on You Tube put up by a professional photographer. And it was all about composing shots. And the author proposed the following exercise. One had to frame and take shots with a fixed focus and no post processing cropping was allowed. Only a tad of colour tweaking, if needed, was allowed. The aim was to make you really 'see' what was in your view finder before taking the shot. The object of the exercise was to improve your skills at composing a shot.
Okay, I had a squillion failures and one or two successes. But it was a good learning experience. Anyway I pass on this thought for those mad enough, and with enough time to waste, like me, who might want to have a go at it.
And here are three of my efforts which I felt could possibly slip under the radar, bypassing the infamous cropping tool
Self portrait of a huge nut?
The expression ' He/she has 'kicked the bucket' in reference to the recently deceased is a pretty well known phrase. We know how they deal with these recently deceased. But have you ever wondered what they do with all these buckets which have been kicked? Well here you go!
Easter Island re-visited?