I have recently joined here and am very much enjoying the community spirit. I was also grateful for the useful comments and encouragement when I posted some of the new stuff I had been trying. So, I thought I should show some of the stuff that first taught me how to wield a camera in earnest. Toy photography. For any who are considering it, I would say that it is an ideal way to get to grips with studio photography on the cheap. It can be done quite happily with desk lamps and bits of card. It can teach you the basics of both still life and portraiture. You also have as many opportunities for practice as you have spare evenings. Your subjects are always there.
These are mostly resin ball-jointed dolls, ranging from 30-70cm in size.
So, here is some of the stuff I have been doing over the years.
As ever, any comments, crit and suggestions are always welcome. Some of these are a few years old, when blur and noise were my best friends, so try not to look too closely at that.