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Thread: Hello

  1. #1

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    Just a quick hello and introduction.

    I have lurked as a guest on the CiC site for a few years, and have finally decided to register as a user. I love photography and consider myself a mid range hobbyist. I definitely do not have an eye for this hobby (or any other creative hobby for that matter), so everything I do is an artistic struggle. Don't get me wrong, when it comes to concepts, techniques, and workflow, I grasp them without much issue----it the natural talent to pick up on a scene and apply those skills creatively that I lack. I love to process and edit the few lucky shots that I get. I wish I could take more pictures on purpose, where the light and scene were calculated, rather than relying on lucky snapshots. Anyway.... you probably wont see too much of me here on the forums. I tend to lurk and learn from reading rather than posting. I will chime in from time to time as my busy schedule allows. Its nice to meet you all.


    edited to add:
    forgot to mention--if you are interested in seeing some of my work, you will find some it here:

  2. #2

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    Re: Hello

    Welcome to CiC, Kris.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Hello

    Hi Kris,

    Well, I hope you change your mind and do become more involved.

    You have been to some interesting places.

    Warm welcome to the CiC forums from, Dave

  4. #4

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    Re: Hello

    Hi Dean, Thank you.

  5. #5

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    Re: Hello

    Hello Dave,
    Its not so much that I choose to not be very involved on forums, I just usually don't have the time to be involved. As time permits you will see me. I have been to a few places, most of which aren't represented in any of my posted pictures and almost all for work. I try to bring my camera with me wherever I go. Most of time behind the lens is spent with my kids on the other side playing sports. I have thousands of hockey and soccer pictures.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Hello

    Quote Originally Posted by KingsHockeyFan View Post
    Hello Dave,
    Its not so much that I choose to not be very involved on forums, I just usually don't have the time to be involved. As time permits you will see me. I have been to a few places, most of which aren't represented in any of my posted pictures and almost all for work. I try to bring my camera with me wherever I go. Most of time behind the lens is spent with my kids on the other side playing sports. I have thousands of hockey and soccer pictures.
    Welcome to CiC, Kris.

    It sounds like your photography is limited by "life" getting in the way. I certainly can relate.

    I had a fairly lengthy period when I had little time to pursue my hobby, but eventually managed to integrate it into my life (it had something to do with the kids getting older and me having more time because of that). I hope that you'll get as much out of CiC as I did.

    As for improving your skills; two things will really help. To quote Henri-Cartier Bresson; your first 10000 images are your worst, so practice is important. The other thing that helped me was to get out of my comfort zone; I was largely a landscape photographer; but when I started shooting people, wildlife, street photography, etc. that's when I really started to improve in my work.


  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Hello

    Hi Kris...the only way to learn is through your shots, meaning too that if you upload your shots here for critique, someone somewhere will give you pointers on how to improve on it the next time you go out. You must also learn how to comment on other members' post and no matter how you feel about their shots, voice it out and/or ask questions. Very soon you will also learn how to be critical of your shots...and so the learning begins...and the application. Make friends with us...get to know us through our photos. Sports shots may be rare here as it is winter but Spring will come soon enough and out they come out just the same for sharing and critiquing.....Just a thought...we want to learn from you too.

  8. #8

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    Re: Hello

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Welcome to CiC, Kris.

    It sounds like your photography is limited by "life" getting in the way. I certainly can relate.

    I had a fairly lengthy period when I had little time to pursue my hobby, but eventually managed to integrate it into my life (it had something to do with the kids getting older and me having more time because of that). I hope that you'll get as much out of CiC as I did.

    As for improving your skills; two things will really help. To quote Henri-Cartier Bresson; your first 10000 images are your worst, so practice is important. The other thing that helped me was to get out of my comfort zone; I was largely a landscape photographer; but when I started shooting people, wildlife, street photography, etc. that's when I really started to improve in my work.

    Hi Manfred, nice to meet you.
    I have recently tried to not let life get in the way of this hobby as much. This past year has been spent learning how to shoot youth ice hockey. This allowed me to spend lots of time at the rink with my oldest son, watch him play, and still practice my hobby. I quickly realized that shooting ice hockey is very challenging, and learned a ton (low/inconsistant light, fast action, dirty glass---a recipe for poor photos).

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    Re: Hello

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Hi Kris...the only way to learn is through your shots, meaning too that if you upload your shots here for critique, someone somewhere will give you pointers on how to improve on it the next time you go out. You must also learn how to comment on other members' post and no matter how you feel about their shots, voice it out and/or ask questions. Very soon you will also learn how to be critical of your shots...and so the learning begins...and the application. Make friends with us...get to know us through our photos. Sports shots may be rare here as it is winter but Spring will come soon enough and out they come out just the same for sharing and critiquing.....Just a thought...we want to learn from you too.
    Hi Izzie...nice to meet you,
    I plan on giving it a go....hopefully I will learn plenty and use the opportunity to help others along the way as well

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Hello

    Quote Originally Posted by KingsHockeyFan View Post
    Hi Manfred, nice to meet you.
    I have recently tried to not let life get in the way of this hobby as much. This past year has been spent learning how to shoot youth ice hockey. This allowed me to spend lots of time at the rink with my oldest son, watch him play, and still practice my hobby. I quickly realized that shooting ice hockey is very challenging, and learned a ton (low/inconsistant light, fast action, dirty glass---a recipe for poor photos).
    That's why sports photographers use "fast; i.e. lenses with large maximum apertures lenses. They often have two camera bodies ; one with a medium telephoto and one with a longer one, so that they can quickly switch as the action moves from one end of the rink to the other. The try to get a shooting position where they don't shoot through the glass. That is particularly challanging in most rinks as the only place without glass is behind the player's benches or penalty box, These are usually not accessible to parents...

  11. #11

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    Re: Hello

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    That's why sports photographers use "fast; i.e. lenses with large maximum apertures lenses. They often have two camera bodies ; one with a medium telephoto and one with a longer one, so that they can quickly switch as the action moves from one end of the rink to the other. The try to get a shooting position where they don't shoot through the glass. That is particularly challanging in most rinks as the only place without glass is behind the player's benches or penalty box, These are usually not accessible to parents...
    absolutely....I noticed a huge difference when I upgraded to a fast lens (I use a 70-200 f2.8 for sports). I try to get a non-glass angle whenever possible, but like you said, these are usually not accessible to parents. Sometimes I can get onto the bench during games, or find someway to elevate over the glass. Other times I have walked onto the ice while the zamboni is cleaning and pulled out a towel with some glass cleaner and made a spot that a little better to shoot through. My largest enemy now is the color of lights. I am ok with rinks that use fluorescent lights, I can fix that wb in post fairly easily, its the rinks that use metal halide lights that drive me crazy. The wb at those rinks is all over the place.

  12. #12
    New Member JakCanon's Avatar
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    Re: Hello

    Welcome to CiC, Kris.

  13. #13

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    Re: Hello

    Quote Originally Posted by JakCanon View Post
    Welcome to CiC, Kris.
    Hi Keith, thank you.

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