Rules of Engagement:
1. Image must have been taken during March 2015.However, if you did capture a photograph late in the previous month but could only process it during the month of this competition, it will be eligible. Your conscience is the judge of what you should or should not submit.
2. Only one entry per person. You can change an already entered photo though.
3. Make sure that your image is showing in the message once you've posted it. Attached thumbnails are no good because the automated entry numbering system that kicks in at the end of the competition will miss these. You can get help with posting images by clicking HERE.
4. Please don't make comments on competition entries (or "Likes" / "Helpful") until after the winners have been announced.
5. A 'Voting Open' message will be posted a few days into the month following this one. It will invite all members to send me a PM in order to cast a vote. Please don't send a PM before that invitation to vote is posted.