I wish to move to 4/3 gradually and sell my Canon stuff.
I have already a Panasonic GX7 with the 20mm f/1.7. When I have been in US - November 2014 - I was able to try some lenses from Olympus. I tried the zoom 12-40 and others with good results.
As I do not print more than A3+ the mFT is perfectly suitable for my photography. And the camera is light and I am old.
Now, I want to buy two primes: the 17mm f/1.8 and the 45mm f/1.8
I am looking for the best price of course. I do not find it in Portugal as the VAT is 23%.
It is not the first time I buy from Germany where the VAT is 19%. And I am not going to US before October 2015.
The shipping is not free most of the times. However, my wife bought two pair of shoes from UK with free shipping a couple of months ago.
I thought I can find such a service/bonus when buying the lens from UK.
If you please, I need you - British citizen - to give me a clue of shops selling photography equipment on line.
Thank you !