Good one, Antonio!
Nice crisp conversion, shows the environment somewhat well, although I would have loved to see the cafeteria in the shot. This type of image would have me cropping excessively and I so hate to crop anything over 10 percent of an image.
I think it works well Antonio and I have no concerns about the two gentlemen in the background. If I was concerned about them would I also not be concerned about the cars, street-lights, windows e.t.c?
On a technical note did you consciously place the subjects eyes on the thirds position?
Nice street photography all the same. Of the two people on the left it's the one who you can only see part of that's most distracting. Also is the horizon level? It may be but it looks as though it needs to be rotated clockwise about 0.5 of a degree. Having said all that, overall I like it.
This is one of Henri Cartier-Bresson's most famous photos and I think for good reason. Personally, I think the inward-leaning buildings in the background of Antonio's photo complement the look on the subject's face. I can't tell if the horizon in his photo is level and wouldn't care if it isn't.
The position of the camera is looking up, but the distortion is not equal divided between the verticals. It doesn't bother me.
I miss the link between the photo and the title, the cafetaria. It's just a street full of parked cars, without any cafetarie.
I like the expression and I like how the shadows add to the image without distracting on a sunny day . Very nice image![]()
I named this photograph as Returning from the cafeteria because I knew he was doing so.
The horizon is not perfect but I didn't care much about it.
I compose at sight. I do not refer to rules. I let myself guide for instinct, by what I see and feel. It is very easy !
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" remember ?
The photo was taken with a Panasonic GX7 and if enlarged, has a lot of noise. I love full frames !
But a full frame is too bulky to pass undercover. We can't have everything can we ?
Thank you for commenting !![]()
There are many, many examples of photography, especially in photojournalism, in which a caption provides interesting, helpful information not provided in the photo itself. That's true of this photo for me. The usefulness of such text doesn't indicate anything to me about the strength of the photo on its own or the text on its own; it's the complementary nature of the photo and text that make for a very strong combination.
I see a man holding a newspaper under a sunny day !
More: he is retired !![]()
That first part is what we all see. That second part is additional info if you see newspaper and a sunny day as something that belongs to retirement.
I allways try to look at my photo's as being an outsider, not as the photographer, within restrictions offcourse. A photo is not a thing you make for yourself, but for others. So it's important that you give it a thought how the other people may look at it.
Guys... I always title my photographs. It is a way found over time, to present my work.
However, many times I have to "subtract" them to be published and then, I present the image "naked", simple.
It doesn't happen often I am afraid ...
This idea came because I prefer to work under subjects, themes or projects submitted to criterias I define.
This image doesn't belong to any project. But it could, if I presented it among a lot of them which I have as street photography from here, where I live.
The text is a complement and it helps to understand the context where it was taken.
The photographs of my grand son always have the place where they were taken, the date and... his age in years, months and days so when in some time everybody knows his age at that point.