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Thread: Profile In Courage

  1. #1

    Profile In Courage

    I've been back and forth on this image: I like it, I think it's an interesting image, a good candid shot of a brother who appears lost in thought, while on the other hand I keep thinking it's a bit cliched, too much a stereotype. Thoughts?

    Profile In Courage

    Note - there's an odd thing going on; between a slightly diagonal light stripe (reflection) on the windshield and the way the helmet is light, the beavertail of the helmet seems to disappears, so I'm not sure if that is distracting enough to devalue the image. Thoughts on that as well?

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Profile In Courage

    The issue for me is that I don't know what the image is conveying other than a man wearing the uniform and equipment of a firefighter standing in front of a bus. That doesn't seem special to me.

  3. #3

    Re: Profile In Courage

    Then that might be the answer that I'm looking for.

  4. #4
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Profile In Courage

    No Jack...I like the image...something is going on here that you did not include in the shot. Anyway, despite his pose, he seemed to be thinking of a happy something ... instead of looking sad. Many incidents makes a fireman sad, especially stupidity of others but here, his smile made this shot interesting. It makes him strong. Do you think a portrait crop will be beneficial here?

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Profile In Courage

    There is a complexity of lines and highlights, the structure or detail of the helmet competes with the graininess of the guy's face. Try adding some graininess to the helmet.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Profile In Courage


    I missed the beavertail of the helmet until you mentioned and then I noticed it.

    I kept looking to the image right out of the frame where the firefighter seems to be looking...

  7. #7
    KimC's Avatar
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    Re: Profile In Courage

    Jack, I like this. I like the expression in his face... makes me feel like he's rethinking the fire or emergency he is coming from. Mad me think of the very difficult days these guys have...and how much I appreciate knowing they are there.

  8. #8

    Re: Profile In Courage

    Thanks Izzie! Not sure how much more I could crop it as I wouldn't really consider this a portrait per se.

    Thanks John, I'll see what I can do with the helmet.

    Thanks Richard, do you mean your eyes are drawn out of the photo because of the image, or because of my note?

    Thanks Kim, all to often firefighters are like sanitation workers, nobody really ever thinks of them until they fail to show up.

  9. #9
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Profile In Courage

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    Thanks Izzie! Not sure how much more I could crop it as I wouldn't really consider this a portrait per se.

    Thanks John, I'll see what I can do with the helmet.

    Thanks Richard, do you mean your eyes are drawn out of the photo because of the image, or because of my note?

    Thanks Kim, all to often firefighters are like sanitation workers, nobody really ever thinks of them until they fail to show up.
    Firefighters have had quite a struggle this winter with all the water pipes freezing and bursting. I would also say job well done to the water department workers who've had to brave the cold keeping the water flowing.

  10. #10

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    Re: Profile In Courage

    Hi Jack. The hightlights on the helmet look distracting to me, and IMO there is too much grain in the photo. If you can lessen both the image might look nicer.

  11. #11

    Re: Profile In Courage

    Thanks Binnur!

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