Manoa Valley, Oahu
Canon 7D EF 28-135 f/3.5-5.6 IS
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Manoa Valley, Oahu
Canon 7D EF 28-135 f/3.5-5.6 IS
I know this shot will get beat up, but here is my first attempt.
Zimmatic sunset2 by KHarmon1971, on Flickr
This is a photo of Glenariff - one of the Glens of Antrim in Northern Ireland. On a clear day you can see Scotland from here. In fact that might be the Mull of Kintyre that is just about visible on the horizon.
This is a combination of 3 x exposures with a bit of (hopefully subtle) HDR treatment.
View on one of the chateaus near Vezac, France
Thanks Peter.
I'm usually not a fan of HDR myself, but I thought I'd try it with these shots and I was pleased with the result.
I only regret here Peter, is the part of rock which is on the left side of the frame...
Normally I have rather something in the foreground to give depth to the scene but, as you haven't got it perhaps the image would be cleaner without the rock :o
Thank you for posting a nice image of France :)
Here is a photo shot with a tele lens. No usual option but as we can see the image looks pretty well and the lens make a good job.
The long focal lens - moreover used on a 1.6 sensor - "smashes" the scene and give another dimension. Interesting one in my point of view.
Perhaps the angle is not the best but it is pretty good.
I dare to sugest you Bud, to replicate this image with another one where the curve of the beach is stronger and using the lens at it's maximum, that is 300.
This is going to make you look at the panorama with different eyes. Try also not to get distracting object in the forest.
Force yourself to get landscapes without changing the focal lens. A simple exercice. :)
Thank you for posting here Bud :)
Sometimes the internet is right and sometimes it is wrong. You have to read and read and again read over and over in different places all over the World to get a conclusion about a subject. I find the web a fantastic encyclopaedia. :)
Even not moving very much Steve, you have made a good work. May be the first one is not perfect because I think it lacks "room" around and doesn't seem to have balance, while on the second one you have done it very well.
The guiding lines near the curb (board walk ? help me I don't know the exact word and I don't want to disturb my wife now, neither go and look on the web :)) enhances the vertical volume of the tower. Even that branch up there is fine. Could be bigger but OK I forgive you :) :)
Perhaps the board walk and road are a bit overexposed or is it my humble Mac ?
Thank you Steve. Be good :)
After viewing and before posting - Why always the canvas are so hazardous or they look like being so ?
Bud, you are going to kill me but... I don't like it all. Bang. I said it :) A shame to say so. :o
It looks flat, no point of interest, nothing call my attention.
I am so sorry Bud... Anyway, you wouldn't like if I told you it was fantastic and it was not, would you ?
Mad at me now ? :o
I am sure you can do better as you have demonstrated before. Come on. Go and shoot ! And don't consider me as a master because I am not. :)
The clouds are very dramatic in your shot and no info on the foreground. Well, at least we know that it is a camp with a plantation.
Perhaps you want to demonstrate the importance of water or automatic irrigation in the fields or even in a more ambitious view, the importance of the water in the Planet.
Thank you for posting :)
You mentioned to Niall that a better frame might enhance his picture. I would like to know how folks are presenting their pictures in a frame in CIC. What software are they using?
I got really lucky the day I shot that photo. We had a major sand storm blow through earlier in the day. The dirt in this part of Texas is primarily a red sandy color and even hours after the wind had died down the dirt was still hanging in the air giving the clouds a red appearance. I did some post processing on the photo to darken the landscape to enhance the clouds. I think, since I am fairly new at the post processing and digital photography in general, I might have overblown the enhancement a little, but did so to make the clouds and the dirt suspended in the air the focus.
The irrigation pivot you see in the field is one part of the hundreds of thousands of acres of cotton farms we have in this area. Unfortunately, the only cotton fields they will be able to harvest this year will be the irrigated lands. We have had less than 1 1/2 inches of rain for the year so the dry land cotton crops are still as barren as they day they were plowed. Cotton production in West Texas is estimated to be 1/3 of last years crop.