Thank you Joey. Thats the sort of comment I like.
Printable View
Deaer Antonio,
AStill a lovely shot. Nice colours and composition. A little more detail in the trees would have made the difference. May be you can do what I have just done with more detail in the rocks in my shot below. Hopefully you have used a raw shot and then use adjustment brush with a higher exposure to reveal more detail. What do u think of my final adjustments??
John welcome to CiC. I think this image is basically under-exposed. If you look at it's histogram, it only reaches about halfway along the horizontal scale. I tried adjusting the levels in a subtle way because I think you are probably looking for a subtle look to this image rather something very dramatic. Is this any better ? Cheers Dave, and keep posting !!:)
PS : I'm sure Antonio can add more enlightened comment.
Here's another view of Rainier
mt rainier1854 by gmontjr, on Flickr
End of the Harvest in Central France.
Harvester by RobN185, on Flickr
Oddly enough I was on Rivington Pike with our labrador only yesterday, John! I like this take on the reservoir - I've never seen it looking so romantic, looks like the Lake District! As Dave says, its under-exposed, and his amendment improves things - I don't know if you're into processing, but personally I'd go a bit further and do some light dodging here and there, eg the clouds, to increase the contrast. The trees on the left are just too dark even in Dave's version, just need to bring them out of the shadows a bit. I might head that way with my own camera next time I'm walking the dog... :)
Many Thanks David E And Davidd D. Dave E - your work has made it better. I have been shooting RAW images which as far as it goes I convert via the Canon software. Maybe I'm not using all of its functions properly. I have not yet invested in photoshop. Perhaps I should. I do feel limited in that area. I havnt paid much heed to the histograms. Perhaps I should start. That is two areas I need to work on. Like many people who are newish to this great interest I think I tend to be too heavy on the contrast and colour. I feel you have given an honest view and have given me areas to work on. This is what I was hoping for. Thanks again to you both. Appreciated.
P.S. Davidd. I realised I was taking places for granted because I was familiar with them. Since I've had my camera I see more of what is there if that makes sense. Realised I live in a beautiful part of the world in its own way.
It looks like Dave is right regarding the underexposed "problem". :)
He did not solve the problem completely of course as it would be too hard to do so without the negative file.
Unfortunately I don't have much to add but... that you can always go back (can you ? )there and reshoot :D
However, we all are supposed to reset our parameters every time we shoot. The other day I was shooting glasses under a very strong light on a work for my son. I underexposed by one stop at the time in Aperture mode.
I completely forgot to reset that parameter and later, while shooting something else, I suddenly realized that I was under exposing all my images.
I usually chimp a lot :) and have an eye on the histogram. This is the reason why I spot the problem.
As rule I would say: reset your parameters to the usual ones as soon as possible to avoid unpleasant surprises. :)
Thank you for posting here :)
Many Thanks Antonio for your comments. I have plenty of other images taken around the same time. Secretly I liked that one best as it reflected how I felt the conditions were at the time. There wasnt a lot of light about. Anyway there we go. I am grateful for the comments. I felt I have been processing the pictures a little on the dark side. One doesnt always realise oneself. This confirms it. I've learnt a lot. Thanks to everyone and I wont be so long winded next post . I'll look out for Davedd with his labrador next time I'm over Rivington. Appreciated.
P.S Lightroom is more affordable I believe. I'll go for Lightroom first. Histograms is my homework - Lol. Thanks again.
I took this image some time ago & had a bit of a play with it using the latest version of Photomatix.
I've never worked with CS5 either Antonio, but from what I've heard, researched & experienced Photomatix is the best of the best for HDR. I bought the software some time back & have seen improvements made each time I upgrade to their latest version {FREE OF CHARGE} I find it very easy to use "a no brainer" Download the 30 day trial version & see for yourself mate ;)
The River Conwy in North Wales. Deep water pool just after the rapids.
Any comments critiques advice most welcome.
Taken with Canon 550D and 18-55mm kit lens.
Automatic Function Shutter Speed 1/80 Apperture Value 5.6 ISO 1600 Focal Length 55mm
My thought exactly. I loved the footprints - to me it looked as if the photographer was following a friend, or an explorer, or someone else who appreciated the area. I think without the footprints the pink clouds would need more emphasis re: colour otherwise the scene would look like those sterile things you see dressing up the products in furniture shops.