Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
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From my recent trip to the US... this photo was taken at Watkins Glen State Park in the Finger Lakes district of NY.
Well done Trace :) Well composed and nice exposition. :)
Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
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You could have seen this before but I Gimped it up a bit. :)
Good Steve :) The tower of London with the Sun in the frame :)
Well done :)
Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
Originally Posted by
Cheers Dave; I had a quick look in google and found thousands but not one with the Shard structure and only one with the sun in frame. :)
Hi Steve you've broadened my education because I wasn't aware of the construction of the Shard. Can you also let us in on your technique for handling the sun in frame ?
Cheers Dave
Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
Originally Posted by
Hi Steve you've broadened my education because I wasn't aware of the construction of the Shard. Can you also let us in on your technique for handling the sun in frame ?
Cheers Dave
The sun in frame exposure was a bit of guesswork Dave; I couldn't see the readout in the viewfinder so I used the readout on the top of the camera to try and find the brightest point which I set at overexposed in this case I think. Took one and studied the histogram and warnings amd at 1/5000 @f6.4 17mm I suppose 1/8000 @f11 would have been a better guess for the sun.
But the shadows were too deep and as I didn't think I had much time I didn't try to find the EV range, but I'm sure if I did a HDR it would be ten times better.
I couldn't see much so it is a bit of a guess. :)
Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
Originally Posted by
The sun in frame exposure was a bit of guesswork Dave; I couldn't see the readout in the viewfinder so I used the readout on the top of the camera to try and find the brightest point which I set at overexposed in this case I think. Took one and studied the histogram and warnings amd at 1/5000 @f6.4 17mm I suppose 1/8000 @f11 would have been a better guess for the sun.
But the shadows were too deep and as I didn't think I had much time I didn't try to find the EV range, but I'm sure if I did a HDR it would be ten times better.
I couldn't see much so it is a bit of a guess. :)
Thanks Steve. I suppose HDR would have been a good option in this case but nevertheless I think your image has worked well anyway. Cheers Dave
Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
Hello every body. noob here.
hope to learn from and share with you.
Ambuklao lake, Benguet province, Philippines
( approx 300km north of Manila)
Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
Originally Posted by
Welcome to CiC.
I like the pic. Nicely framed.
Are those rectangles you can just see in the water fish or oyster farms?
Technically, I wonder how it would go with a bit of a tweak of the WB? It looks a bit blue to me. Others with more expertise might like to comment further.
Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
Originally Posted by
Welcome from me too. I think this is a promising image and just needs a bit of pp to give it a "lift". I hope you don't mind but I had a go at it in Photoshop and came up with the following. Just added some sharpening and a duplicate layer with Colour Burn blending mode and 20% opacity - something I learnt from Antonio. I'm sure he could do a better job at it but I thought I'd post mine anyway to illustrate what can be achieved with a little pp (one of the big things I've learned since joining this forum). The enhanced shadows I think give a feeling of depth.
Click on the image to bring it up in Lightbox.
Cheers Dave
Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
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Hi Michael and welcome. You've picked a difficult situation for your first landscape ! I certainly haven't mastered this sort of thing yet. The sky and clouds look nice but the shoreline looks a bit murky. HDR may have been a suitable technique for this scene so as to bring out more detail in the shoreline - provided the boat was not rocking too much as it relies on several images of different exposure that have to be blended together.
I tried lightning up the shadows on your image in Photoshop but they are just too black to do anything with. If you look at the histogram you will see a large peak at the left hand side indicating the nearly black parts of the image.
I'm sure it was very peaceful sitting there in the boat contemplating the day's catch at sunset -or perhaps having a quiet XXXX :)
Cheers Dave
Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
Originally Posted by
Welcome to CiC.
I like the pic. Nicely framed.
Are those rectangles you can just see in the water fish or oyster farms?
Technically, I wonder how it would go with a bit of a tweak of the WB? It looks a bit blue to me. Others with more expertise might like to comment further.
HI David,
Yes, those are Tilapia fish pens. It's a big financial boost to the highlanders.
Their usual source of income is from their traditinal vegetable farms.
I guess you're right. Will learn about post-processing to tweak its WB from blue.
Re: Landscapes - Please post them here
Originally Posted by
Welcome from me too. I think this is a promising image and just needs a bit of pp to give it a "lift". I hope you don't mind but I had a go at it in Photoshop and came up with the following. Just added some sharpening and a duplicate layer with Colour Burn blending mode and 20% opacity - something I learnt from Antonio. I'm sure he could do a better job at it but I thought I'd post mine anyway to illustrate what can be achieved with a little pp (one of the big things I've learned since joining this forum). The enhanced shadows I think give a feeling of depth.
Click on the image to bring it up in Lightbox.
Cheers Dave
Hey, cool. it does look livelier.
Will have to learn about "sharpening and a duplicate layer with Colour Burn blending mode and 20% opacity..."
( hopefully gimp will be alright for such editing. ty )
Thanks for the tip and the "liffted" edition. :)