Nice picture Satomi

You shooted in very hard conditions: the contrast was really high!
let me say some possible improvements,
in my humble opinion.
first of all I think you have to decide what is your subject : the sky (over the city) or the water (under the city


if the sky, you have to underexpose the picture in order to recover the burned withe area on the clouds and make the sky more dramatic; doing so you will lost any details on the city (that are barely visible, and so not so important), that turns to be a silouette.
oh, I've forgot, cut the water in order to place the city in the lowest third of the frame.
if the water, cut the sky just above the buildings and "turn on" the light to make visible the details of the city

these operations could be done with the post processing software, if it is a raw file,
but the best way is to shot again

a circular polarized filter could help you very much in these conditions....
Post scriptum
sorry for my poor english...