Chris this works for me, lovely vibrant colour. I like the composition - the foreground rock and fern is fairly dominant but that doesn't bother me - on the contrary, it really is the main focus of the image with the waterfall providing a nice backdrop.
PS. According to the EXIF info, f/22 was used !
Oh yes I did try one or two shots at F22. Thanks for the comment. How do you get the EXIF data from the image?
And another excellent one. I really like this one. Techs are really nicely handled. My only suggestion is that the FG fern/wood could have been positioned slightly further to the right in the frame. One technical nit is that the lens hood/filter shows up in the corners. Maybe clone them.
If your software won't show you the data Google EXIF viewer and you should find a free utility that will work for you.
Last edited by NorthernFocus; 16th March 2015 at 05:48 AM.
Nicely done, very crisp.
Yes Chris, as Dan says, most editing software will show the EXIF info and there are various plug-ins available for web browsers that can be used when viewing an image on the web. eg I use an EXIF viewer called "PhotoME" and when I right click on the image, I get the option of viewing the image with that utility.
I like it Chris, composition, interest and colour, and the 1 second speed has worked well here.
Are you using the Sigma 10-20?
Thanks guys. Im looking into that EXIF viewer now.
Thanks again.
Hi Grahame. Thank you for the kind words. Yes I am using the sigma 10-20mm I only got it a few weeks ago and I instantly noticed a big difference in my photography. It opens up a whole ne aspect and lets me be more creative with my compositions.
Nice shot Chris.
You seem to have mastered your UWA lens quite quickly. You don't seem to be making the mistakes a lot of people do when they start shooting with that style of lens; you are covering your foreground. middle ground and background quite nicely. The driftwood and fern add a nice bit of elegance to the shot.
+1 to Manfred's comment...I like the whole image as is with what you have.
Excellent image Chris
Very very beautiful..... very inviting
Thank you all very much.
Thank you Manfred. I love landscape photography and I have coveted a UWA lens for almost 10 years now so now that I have finally got it I cant stop shooting. Its an amazing lens which has me feeling a new sense of creativity with my photography.
Nice shot Chris, I am thinking of picking up one of these lenses myself.
I like it very much too, and also agree with Manfreds observation, beautiful rich colors........
Really really nice Chris. You've got the atmosphere nicely. Great mix of movement and stillness. And great use of the 10-20.
This is a wild guess - Donard Wood near Newcastle, Co.Down?