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Thread: Hangover Cure

  1. #1
    Rebel's Avatar
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    Hangover Cure

    Still a bit hungover after the weekend (drunk way too much Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum ) I decided to go for a bit of a walk after work to sweat it out and get some fresh air

    The mountains with the snow on caught my eye as I drove past, so I got out and took a few shots. Essentially the same subject with a few different compositions.

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    Hangover Cure

    Last edited by Rebel; 17th March 2015 at 09:09 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Hangover Cure

    You have managed to keep the foreground well focused with these images. Just the way I like it.

    I see the occasional very small bright spot which I would clone away, but otherwise excellent.

  3. #3
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Yes – this should have helped the headache. Handsome country and some great shots. I love the gold cast on the foreground grasses in the first but wish the blowout from the sun were not so much. #s 2-5 comprise a nice case study in foreground choices and I like #2 for the grasses (as opposed to the wee ponds that have too much botany going on). It would be a tough choosing between #2 and #6, were the whatsit in the lower left corner of #6 not distracting. Those rocks are pretty and a bit of cropping would eliminate the LL distraction. Nice going. Hope you're feeling better.

  4. #4

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    Re: Hangover Cure

    This is the quality that you produce on a hangover? I'm not sure whether I should assume the stuff you would make while not on a hangover would be even better or whether I should insist that you only make photos while on a hangover because that's your way to superior photography.

    The second and seventh images work best for me. The second one because the foreground interest is the style that I like a lot. The seventh one because I like reflections and this one has a particularly nice gradient.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Nice series.

  6. #6

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    Re: Hangover Cure

    And here I thought the cure was the "hair of the dog that bit you"! Beautiful shots!

  7. #7
    Rebel's Avatar
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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Thanks for the comments Mark, I meant to crop the lower left of #6 but must of forgot. Thanks for reminding me

    Barbara, I tried the hair of the dog trick, it just made it worse the following day.

    Thanks for the views/comments all, feeling a bit better today.

  8. #8

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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Hi Matt. Lovely images again and you live in such a nice place Let me tell you my opinions :

    #1 , #2 and #5 , I like as is

    #3 and #4, I see a slight cyan color in the water in the FGs of the images on my monitor. If you see the same thing on your monitor , it might be better to fix it selectively.

    #6 the rocks in the FG are competing with the sky so much that, I would try to shoot with a different angle (may be without including the sky if you want to shoot the rocks)

    #7, I like the FG subject with reflections very much in this image. I would try cropping a bit from the top in order to put the emphasis more on the FG.

  9. #9

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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Yes I imagine that county side is a good cure. You must have kept your ss up because there's no sign of the shaky hands that typically accompany that condition.

    Beautiful set of photos. Really a nice job of selecting different foreground material. Subtle yet significant differences to each frame. Nicely done.

  10. #10
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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Hi Matt. Lovely images again and you live in such a nice place Let me tell you my opinions :

    #1 , #2 and #5 , I like as is

    #3 and #4, I see a slight cyan color in the water in the FGs of the images on my monitor. If you see the same thing on your monitor , it might be better to fix it selectively.

    #6 the rocks in the FG are competing with the sky so much that, I would try to shoot with a different angle (may be without including the sky if you want to shoot the rocks)

    #7, I like the FG subject with reflections very much in this image. I would try cropping a bit from the top in order to put the emphasis more on the FG.
    Thanks for the comments Binnur I will check #3 and #4 on my big screen when I get home, and try your suggestion of cropping #7.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Yes I imagine that county side is a good cure. You must have kept your ss up because there's no sign of the shaky hands that typically accompany that condition.

    Beautiful set of photos. Really a nice job of selecting different foreground material. Subtle yet significant differences to each frame. Nicely done.
    Thanks for your comments Dan, fortunately I didn't have the shaky hands symptom this time!

  11. #11

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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Nice set Matt. I love this sort of countryside but the addition of the cloud and surrounding light burst makes for some good images. Pity about the blown highlights in the first two but as Geoff has suggested, a bit of judicious cloning could sort that. 3 and particularly 6 for me purely for the FG and light.

  12. #12
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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    Nice set Matt. I love this sort of countryside but the addition of the cloud and surrounding light burst makes for some good images. Pity about the blown highlights in the first two but as Geoff has suggested, a bit of judicious cloning could sort that. 3 and particularly 6 for me purely for the FG and light.
    Thanks John, yea I am disappointed with the first two. How would I go about cloning out blown highlights though? Never tried that before.

    EDIT: Just found a quick tutorial which I will give a go later tonight, for anyone thats interested:
    Last edited by Rebel; 18th March 2015 at 08:53 AM.

  13. #13

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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    This is the quality that you produce on a hangover? I'm not sure whether I should assume the stuff you would make while not on a hangover would be even better or whether I should insist that you only make photos while on a hangover because that's your way to superior photography.
    Maybe you should stop photographing the bottles and just drink the stuff inside them, Mike

    I have to agree with Mike, though Mark. If overindulgence gets you out in the early morning light then do it more often

  14. #14
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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Quote Originally Posted by FootLoose View Post
    Maybe you should stop photographing the bottles and just drink the stuff inside them, Mike

    I have to agree with Mike, though Mark. If overindulgence gets you out in the early morning light then do it more often
    Haha cheers Greg, but these were shot as the sun was going down... after a full day in work

  15. #15

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    Re: Hangover Cure

    My eye and software indicate that there are no blown highlights in the first two images. You might want to change the bright area of the sky but it wouldn't be because that area has no data.

  16. #16
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Good series...I agree with others though about the blown highlights but my thoughts at first was putting in the time of when the shot was made because it made for the mood of the images shown. Different feelings altogether as you go along before the sun finally goes down.

  17. #17
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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Good series...I agree with others though about the blown highlights but my thoughts at first was putting in the time of when the shot was made because it made for the mood of the images shown. Different feelings altogether as you go along before the sun finally goes down.
    Thanks Izzie, I thought the time of the shots were in the EXIF data?

  18. #18

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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel View Post
    Thanks John, yea I am disappointed with the first two. How would I go about cloning out blown highlights though? Never tried that before.

    EDIT: Just found a quick tutorial which I will give a go later tonight, for anyone thats interested:
    Don't be disappointed Matt. They're still nice images. As to cloning, frankly, on a second look, it would be quite difficult because you would have to produce a piece of sky that looks like it might produce that beautiful burst of light. Cloning in some the darker cloud wouldn't look right.

  19. #19
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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    My eye and software indicate that there are no blown highlights in the first two images. You might want to change the bright area of the sky but it wouldn't be because that area has no data.
    Understanding "blown" is important because it happens often, sometimes unintended.

    Mike - if I retrieve this as a JPEG and bring it up in LR, I have a histogram with space to the right and the RBG for the sun (area) is 80-80-80. It doesn't look blown in my histogram. But if I try to take down the brightness of this spot it goes gray, and it will not take any color so to me it is acting "blown". What am I misunderstanding about your statement or am I doing wrong?

  20. #20

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    Re: Hangover Cure

    Quote Originally Posted by Downrigger View Post
    But if I try to take down the brightness of this spot it goes gray, and it will not take any color so to me it is acting "blown". What am I misunderstanding about your statement or am I doing wrong?
    The technical stuff you're asking about isn't my strength. When someone uses the term, "blown," I take that to mean that there is no data, so maybe I'm using a different or wrong meaning of that term. I just now tried changing the color and the same thing happened on my end as on yours. Considering that you measured all RGB values as the same, that comes as no surprise, but as I mentioned, this is not an area that I know much about. Maybe someone can explain what we should expect and why.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 18th March 2015 at 09:42 PM.

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