You know, each night I wake up at around 1 or 1:30am and go outside and look at the sky when it is clear (which will be tomorrow night as the weather guy said...) and compared it to when we were in Florida where the nights are really dark dark dark and you can see everything like the stars are all bunches and bunches of them. Here, if the star is not that bright then they are spaced apart. I was tempted to just take shot one night despite and always ended up going inside instead, head down in disappointment most of the time, thinking that ours over here looks like a joke compared to the one I witnessed in Florida. One of these nights when it is clear up there, I might give it a try here...if I cannot wrangle a trip to Sun n Fun next month at Lakeland...I have a 200mm...why not?
I will look into DeepSkyStacker in the early morning when I wake up (again...) Will be interesting...