I 'built' a solar filter recently, using Baader AstroSolar Safety Film. It fits over my Sigma 500mm telephoto. I was interested in capturing sunspots, but proved useful to record today's Solar Eclipse.
Here are some of the captures.
#1 Shortly after start (very very light cloud clearing from west)
#2 Cloud build up about 30 mins in.
#3 Just about max coverage ... 85% in Birmingham (52 deg North)
#4 about 15 minutes before the end
#5 All done and the world did not end!
Post processed using Adobe ACR and PS6. I deliberately shifted the temperature up to emphasise the texture of the 'surface' of the sun, although it is difficult to be sure what real detail is being brought out apart from the suns spots (both 'dark' and light).
Slight sharpening applied using a home built wavelet/frequency action using the noise filter.
Canon EOS 7d Mk2 with Sigma 50-500mm Telephoto @ Baader filter. Tripod mounted and Mirror lockup used.
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