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Richard, Abbie is a beautiful little girl despite her distrustful nature...When I got Roxie (she was to be dumped at a shelter...) She flips when she was touched. I learned that when Roxie comes to me, she just comes to me for treats, not because she wanted to be touched, but when she does, I touched her head first...slowly throughout the weeks, she allows me to touch her back...then I was taught by the trainer to continue touching her further down her tail and rubbing her back downwards. I accompanied those touches at home with enticing her with treats but I put it further her nose to the other side of my chair beside the table instead so she was forced to come to my lap. I continued that for weeks until she learned to trust me. I adopted her and worked on her even after training was done. She is very smart but I think she was abused by her ex-owner obviously the way she was acting...
Like you did with Charlie, I connected her to my hips during the day but she is crated during the night and when she misbehaves and being given a time-out. Nowadays if Bill want to take her for his beer run or go anywhere, she will look at me as if to ask permission. But now we have dominance issue and very protective of what she think is "hers." Sunday, Bill turned his back (while she was on a leash) so he can walk her up the hill and back. There were two kids and a mother passing by. She was able to disengage from Bill's hold and picked a fight with the mother of the kids (who run away for their lives) and bite the woman on her heels. Bill apologized profusely and the woman said she wasn't hurt, it is OK...despite that I stayed home and waited for the police. Hopefully she did not inform them...
Thing is, when she is at "school" she does everything right from A-Z. We are still finding it hard for her to trust other people and treat them like "people". We watched a Cesar Millan DVD about controlling vicious dogs. He has a client who is the same as Roxie but Cesar has people to help him. We don't and can't just borrow the neighbour and the neighbour's dog to cooperate with us and help us train Roxie the way Cesar does. As I said before this neighbourhood is a snooty as anything so I can't just borrow someone else's dog around here. So tomorrow when we go for my eye appointment, I said we will pass by Petsmart and buy her a little muzzle. Bill said that will confirm to people that we have a vicious dog. I put my foot down and told him I do not care what other people think. I am trying to protect us from being sued in court and/or her hurting someone outside the house or for the authorities to spare her life if she ever draws blood. She doesn't bite hard to draw blood, but I sort of do not trust some people who embellish their stories to get back at you despite saying "It is OK.."
Sorry for the long post.