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Thread: hello - I am an enthusiastic novice!

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Scotland, UK
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    hello - I am an enthusiastic novice!

    Up until now I have only owned basic cameras. Point and shoot Olympus SZ31 MR

    I have just been given a Nikon D50 with an 18 55 lens. NOW what do I do?

    I have often looked at this site and have decided to join as you all seem so very knowledgeable and helpful! My brother suggested it was a "good idea"!

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: hello - I am an enthusiastic novice!

    Hello Eilean...A nice warm welcome to CiC...if you will be so kind to click on the My Profile at he top of the page and fill in your details, we will know what part of the world you are in and also what you us to refer to you as. It is sort customary around here as we refer to each other by our first name. ... makes it a bit more friendlier as the atmosphere around here.

    As to your dilemma, just shoot and upload here, ask for a critique and/or comment about your image. You will learn as you go along. This is a good learning community and it does not matter what sort of camera you have. The most important is the image, how it turns out. If there are members who will give you tips on how to compose your image or how to post process it, they will do so and it is up to you how you take it. Sometimes comments goes downrails but it lightens up the conversation in a friendly way of course...laugh with us, join us and do not forget to comment on other posts too as it is also another way of learning how not only to interact with us but also learn how others do their shoots...

    As had been told to many before you, there are no stupid questions here. Just ask...I myself ask many stupid questions from time to time because I cannot know everything all at once...but then, I am one of the comics around here, so they forgive me for my stupid questions...

    Hope you enjoy your stay with us...and participate with us...

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: hello - I am an enthusiastic novice!

    Hi thank you. I tried to enter stuff on my profile - not managed it yet! Will do in a bit when I figure it out.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: hello - I am an enthusiastic novice!

    Ok...done it now...and added some pictures I took in Seattle beginning March this year.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: hello - I am an enthusiastic novice!

    Quote Originally Posted by eilean View Post
    Ok...done it now...and added some pictures I took in Seattle beginning March this year.
    Eilean - A fellow Scot.

    Where are you? Great to have you here.

    If you ever need any help in getting images posted into your message, then please do read the helpful guide that walks you through how to do it. Click HERE to read the thread.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: hello - I am an enthusiastic novice!

    hello - I am an enthusiastic  novice!

    This was the result of trying to use too much telephoto and it was dark.....Space needle from across Lake Union

    Thanks For the Welcome Donald. Not so far away - near Stirling

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: hello - I am an enthusiastic novice!

    Welcome, Eilean. I have to say your enthusiam has transmitted through the keyboard, across the network, and is carried on the light emitted from my monitor. If you appy it in like kind to your photography I'll be interested to see the results

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