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Thread: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

  1. #21

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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 16 - Cycling in Derbyshire

    I would suggest that the first problem is that you are using a wide-angle lens which may 'get everything in' but tends to distort.
    As far as which side of the building to straighten ... why not both ... I wondered if it was possible ....and I put a loose selection tool around the building and played with the perspective tool .....this made it rather skinny so I used the re-size tool to increase its width by 10% without altering its height ....finally a bit of sharpening ...

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    I am using PSP which has layers and helps with things like this as for some reason I found my perspective modifications came up on a second layer which made subsequent operations easier.

  2. #22

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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 16 - Cycling in Derbyshire

    Like John, I somehow missed this series Kaye. You've been having a rare old time. I particularly like the first balloon shot. Nice colours and BG.

  3. #23

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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 16 - Cycling in Derbyshire

    It is funny that with the carraige on the right third and its bright red and yellow colour it was what I first saw and not until I read the comment about the bright light did I see it ... now I cannot stop looking at it

  4. #24
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 16 - Cycling in Derbyshire

    Quote Originally Posted by jcuknz View Post
    I would suggest that the first problem is that you are using a wide-angle lens which may 'get everything in' but tends to distort.
    As far as which side of the building to straighten ... why not both ... I wondered if it was possible ....and I put a loose selection tool around the building and played with the perspective tool .....this made it rather skinny so I used the re-size tool to increase its width by 10% without altering its height ....finally a bit of sharpening ...

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    I am using PSP which has layers and helps with things like this as for some reason I found my perspective modifications came up on a second layer which made subsequent operations easier.
    Thanks for this help John. I couldn't get the technique to work with a selection, but did manage it with the whole image and using the perspective tool.

  5. #25
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 16 - Cycling in Derbyshire

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    Like John, I somehow missed this series Kaye. You've been having a rare old time. I particularly like the first balloon shot. Nice colours and BG.
    Thanks John

  6. #26
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 17 - A British Seaside Scene

    This week we had always planned to be at home so dumped loads of things that need to be done into it. This meant few photo opportunities....but we did manage a walk on Bournemouth Beach as a diversion to visiting relatives - the sun was shining and people were sunbathing, there were even a few mad people in the sea and cricket was being played.

    However my attention was drawn to these

    1 Beach huts in pastels

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    2 A sneaky shot inside

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    3 Time for a rest

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    4 And one of the reasons for our trip - to meet my 6 week old great Niece

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    Not sure if I have over done the colours on the deckchairs ?

    And is it OK not to have the baby's full head ?

    Other thoughts and C&C welcome

  7. #27

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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 17 - A British Seaside Scene

    Very good, Kaye.

    Beach huts seem to be often photographed but few have those nice pastel shades which you have captured here.

  8. #28
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 17 - A British Seaside Scene

    Kay the ones in the Brighton Beach where I have a house in Melbourne are colourful to say the least...these ones looks subtle considering...beautiful...and yes it is OK to cut off the baby's or a person's head in a close-up up to a point...

  9. #29

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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 16 - Cycling in Derbyshire

    Regarding verticals, Kaye. All you can really do is to work from the most central vertical lines. This means some nearer the edges will be slanting to some extent; unless you do a skew transform then crop which will make everything plum upright.

    I find that when doing a skew it is usually better to 'squash' the image slightly inwards instead of 'stretching' the sides outwards. Quite often it will require different amounts being applied to each side.

  10. #30
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 16 - Cycling in Derbyshire

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Regarding verticals, Kaye. All you can really do is to work from the most central vertical lines. This means some nearer the edges will be slanting to some extent; unless you do a skew transform then crop which will make everything plum upright.

    I find that when doing a skew it is usually better to 'squash' the image slightly inwards instead of 'stretching' the sides outwards. Quite often it will require different amounts being applied to each side.
    Thanks for the help as ever Geoff - I am persevering with this and will try your technique too.

  11. #31
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 16 - Cycling in Derbyshire

    Thanks Izzie and Geoff for comments on the beach huts - sometimes I think they're nice - sometimes not. Just can't decide whether beach huts should be in pastels.

  12. #32

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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 16 - Cycling in Derbyshire

    Very nice images, beautiful baby

  13. #33
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 16 - Cycling in Derbyshire

    Thanks Binnur

  14. #34
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 18 - Ham House and Garden

    A very mixed week........but we did manage a day out to Ham House, on the banks of the River Thames in Surrey, a seventeenth Century house home to Charles 1 childhood whipping Boy. So named because if the king when a boy merited whipping because of his bad behaviour, his 'boy' took the punishment as one could not punish royalty! The king rewarded him in adult life with the gift of the house. He was a Scot and changed the law of succession for the house from English to Scottish Law so that his daughter could inherit - he had no sons.

    She 'persuaded' Oliver Cromwell not to raise it to the ground during his reign and since the late 17th century much of the house remains unchanged. The Gardens are being restored to their 17th century design and using plants and varieties known to have existed at that time.

    Here are my views of the house and garden

    First the kitchen garden....

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    All produce is used in the café or in the house

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    Then the Parterre - the private garden of the lady of the house. It was designed to be an all year round open space and as well as a place to wander in to be viewed from it's raised terraces......

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    .....And from the lady's private rooms

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

  15. #35
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 17 - A British Seaside Scene

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaye Leggett View Post
    This week we had always planned to be at home so dumped loads of things that need to be done into it. This meant few photo opportunities....but we did manage a walk on Bournemouth Beach as a diversion to visiting relatives - the sun was shining and people were sunbathing, there were even a few mad people in the sea and cricket was being played.

    However my attention was drawn to these

    1 Beach huts in pastels

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    2 A sneaky shot inside

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    3 Time for a rest

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    4 And one of the reasons for our trip - to meet my 6 week old great Niece

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    Not sure if I have over done the colours on the deckchairs ?

    And is it OK not to have the baby's full head ?

    Other thoughts and C&C welcome
    Nice exploration of color and a cutie.

  16. #36
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 18 - Ham House and Garden

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaye Leggett View Post
    A very mixed week........but we did manage a day out to Ham House, on the banks of the River Thames in Surrey, a seventeenth Century house home to Charles 1 childhood whipping Boy. So named because if the king when a boy merited whipping because of his bad behaviour, his 'boy' took the punishment as one could not punish royalty! The king rewarded him in adult life with the gift of the house. He was a Scot and changed the law of succession for the house from English to Scottish Law so that his daughter could inherit - he had no sons.

    She 'persuaded' Oliver Cromwell not to raise it to the ground during his reign and since the late 17th century much of the house remains unchanged. The Gardens are being restored to their 17th century design and using plants and varieties known to have existed at that time.

    Here are my views of the house and garden

    First the kitchen garden....

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    All produce is used in the café or in the house

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    Then the Parterre - the private garden of the lady of the house. It was designed to be an all year round open space and as well as a place to wander in to be viewed from it's raised terraces......

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet

    .....And from the lady's private rooms

    2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 14 - I should have kept quiet
    Nice captures, nicely framed.

  17. #37

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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 18 - Ham House and Garden

    Nice set Kaye. When seeing your photos I feel like I am traveling and seeing all kinds of interesting things! Thanks for sharing.

  18. #38

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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 18 - Ham House and Garden

    Another week with nice images I loved the garden shot framed with bushes(?)

  19. #39
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 17 - A British Seaside Scene

    Thanks John - each week seems to bring a new journey

  20. #40
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: 2015 Project 52 - 2nd Quarter - Kaye Leggett - week 18 - Ham House and Garden

    Quote Originally Posted by Barbara Ponder View Post
    Nice set Kaye. When seeing your photos I feel like I am traveling and seeing all kinds of interesting things! Thanks for sharing.
    Thank you so much Barbara. As this project has developed it is the travel that is inspiring me. I get other photo opportunities but it is the travel and exploration of new places and homing in on the character of where I am that is the challenge. I am so pleased you are enjoying it too.

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