Hi Dan, thank you for viewing and commenting. Gatorland is difficult, birds are close, lots of vegetation, difficult to get separation for a pure background. Working tight with a narrow depth of field fits portraits perfectly, finding angles for a out of focus background. Yes the new lens is great, it makes a lot more possible.
Hey Joe,
Thank you for sharing. Truly a pleasure to view your images, and as always especially inspiring!
I'm sad to say that visiting Mexico is not in the cards for me this year. Perhaps if I'm lucky I'll be able to visit late in the year, or early next year. I would love an opportunity to photograph Egrets (striving to capture one just like yours) and especially Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, again. Of course, my pelicans are waiting for me to return for another visit.
Alas, this morning I was chasing wee little Tree Swallows in cold foggy weather. It was supposed to be warm and sunny but by the time I arrived everything was blanketed in fog. However, I do think I managed one decent image.
Stunning!!! Thanks for sharing.