I would like to present my flawed and partial knowledge on basic photographic technique in the hope that someone can gently correct my understanding on the subject of taking photographs of the Moon.
Now I'm talking 50mm lens, Canon EOS 450d so nothing fancy, anyway let's get to it...
I saw a photo of the Moon recently, take by a friend, who uses a 300 mm zoom and the thing I noticed was the detail of the surface. This impressed me because a couple nights previous I had taken a shot of a full Moon and while the image was clear the surface was just an intense and plain white.
Now this is when I parade my thinking on the matter, apologies to seasoned Photographers who may start wincing So I thought to get such a sharp image showing the Moon's surface I would need to make some specific settings changes, sure I would not get the magnification but perhaps at least show some variation in contrast, color of the Lunar surface.
How to achieve that, well to my mind I was wondering the Moon moves at a fair rate of speed so a fast-shutter speed may be needed, to minimize a blurred image, along with a tripod. Next I was thinking about the aperture, being a full/nearly full Moon there's a considerable amount of light so what aperture setting?
So I had read that higher aperture gives greater sharpness, so on that understanding I thought a setting around 18/20 as an experiment would do the trick to bring out the surface features. But hang on if I used a higher aperture I had read that less light would enter the camera, and given I was already pondering using a fast shutter speed to get around blur cause by the Moon's motion the combination would result in underexposure.
Clearly I was on trail of finding some sort of balance, but what could that be? Then this equation needed to take account of 'focus' having read a couple of internet posts I'd understood that the camera needed to be set on 'infinity' on 'manual focus'. How so?
It can be a tough life for the noob photographer, so many considerations, technical factors, and calculations that can seem overwhelming, so if anyone has tips, tricks and guidance on taking Moon photos with a regular camera and 50 mm lens I would really appreciate hearing from you