Originally Posted by
Jim B.
Hi Shadowman,
I should have been more clear on my statement. I don't know if I'll have another chance at a photo with a dozen vultures together at such a close distance.
80 yards doesn't sound that close,but these birds can see you coming from a lot farther away and usually will take flight immediately upon seeing you.
They weren't feeding on anything,just drying off after a downpour.
I'm thinking about putting a blind up.Might raise the odds for me.
I agree with your statement that they are becoming very common here.Growing up it was rare to see vultures.Now I see them everywhere.
The water fowl population has exploded here also. A good example,Steve S.(a member here) has been photographing Great Blue Herons in a rockery not far from my house.There are at least 50 birds nesting there in Sycamore trees 300 yards from the interstate.
I've read that global warming has a lot to do with the change.