Very early morning, I was looking for insects and bugs in the garden! Didn't find any so I went up front, no camera, just my shorts on top of my pajamas! The neighbours will already be thinking that a lunatic lives across the street from them...
I saw a fly. I have nothing with me to catch it so I went inside and got me a fly swatter (David will faint!!!), a bottle of honey, my curly ruler and a tissue paper... I looked and looked for my victim and couldn't find any but I found a spider. It ran away from me, silly bugger! So I went to the other side of the garage, no nothing with me either -- I left my "tools of the trade" at the front yard. I saw a fly!! I went back and he left too. So I armed myself with a fly swatter just in case...<g> ... I found him!!!!! I swatted him and picked him up with the tissue and brought him to my tools and my camera...and started shooting...
My husband came out of the garage...he asked why I was slap seated on the concrete -- I said I will try to shoot a fly I swatted earlier. He laughed...and drove off...
I covered my dead fly with a leaf and securely put the cover of my camera on the tissue and went inside to get more extension tubes...the 20mm and the 12mm to add to my 36mm which is already on my camera with my 50mm lens. Shot a few and processed what I think are good.
I guess you guys will not talk to me anymore because I murdered your friend before taking a photo for remembrance.
P.S. I sang Ave Maria before I flushed him in the toilet...
1 Ruler, 50mm lens, 36mm extension tube
2 I told you he's dead, didn't I ???...
3 Close up...Look he did not suffer very long...
Will you still talk to me, Grahame? David??? -- can you give me a bit of leeway here? I will get used to shooting a live insect when comes summer or something...I have to start somewhere...a dead fly is as good start as any, don't you think???
OK...enough did I do? I am not happy with my shot because it still has a soft spot at the front...the last shot was done with all 3 tubes under the 50mm lens.