Along with the beautiful sea shells handicraft I have tried incorporate a human element too in my shot.
Your valuable suggestions on this for my improvement will be highly appreciated.
IMG_5673_1 by patel_tejal, on Flickr
Along with the beautiful sea shells handicraft I have tried incorporate a human element too in my shot.
Your valuable suggestions on this for my improvement will be highly appreciated.
IMG_5673_1 by patel_tejal, on Flickr
I really like this shot! I might, however, consider cropping out a bit on the image left to eliminate the bright shells upper left.
Cool capture Tejal, well spotted
Very colorful shot, I like the idea
Thanks Richard. I have revised the crop.
A by patel_tejal, on Flickr
For me, this crop puts more emphasis on the mirror. My eye doesn't drift off to the upper left of the image... Of course, cropping is a very personal thing. What might be right for one person is not correct for another person...
Nice concept.
Cropping could be a personal choice, but it plays very important role. It changes the whole appearance of the shot. In my 1st crop I tried to keep that layer which is little bit slant in my frame and in my that try i didnt pay attention on that bright patch. seems. . The cropped one is really looking very nice. Thanks.
Great capture, Tejal! I hardly ever disagree with Richard, but in this case, the crop has thrown the image off balance for me. What I found more of a distraction than the bright beads upper left was the intensity of the blue in the background along the top left half.