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Thread: Mini circuitry

  1. #1
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Orange County CA USA

    Mini circuitry

    Bought my wife some cheap solar lights in the form of dragon flies for her birthday. Set them up and they turned on once it got dark.
    Only problem was they BLINKED like the landing lights at an airport!
    Very bright white ON-OFF-ON-OFF-ON-OFF...she was not pleased at all.
    So, how to fix?
    Well I did some searching on the interweb and found someone had posted a "How to" in their review of the lights. All it took was some soldering skills, of which I'm sorely lacking, but I thought it worth a try. Now the problem was actually SEEING what I was supposed to be soldering.
    Macro to the rescue!
    Here's what it looks like inside one of these little black solar boxes. How they can put it all together, box it up and ship it all the way over here for $8 is beyond me.

    Mini circuitry

  2. #2
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Mini circuitry

    Cheers Alan for showing us all the inside of these little suckers!

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