Originally posted here Fire
Originally posted here Fire
Nice capture John, that's a big boat!
John, I gotta say that I liked the color version better...the evening light drama is missing here.
I agree. I prefer the colour version because it had the drama but I really like the way that the mono conversion has brought out the reflections in the paintwork on the hull. Nice quality conversion.
I prefer the color versions
The B&W version tells a totally different story. The colour version was about the sunset; this version is about the ship.
In the colour version, I think you needed the negative space to the right of the ship as it brought out the sky, in this one, I think you need to trim it back a bit as it doesn't add anything to the image.
Last edited by Manfred M; 12th April 2015 at 10:08 PM. Reason: Added image and typo correction
Though it's no surprise that I find myself so often agreeing with Manfred, I just have to take a special moment to mention that his assessment is so spot on in my opinion. I prefer the monochrome version, perhaps because there are lots more effective sunset photos than monochrome photos presented here at CiC and elsewhere.
I would add that though I agree with him that the primary subject of this photo is the ship, the image is also about many other interesting details that play a supporting role.
I like the scale & perspective provided by the 'bit players' in the scene, they serve to add to the grandeur of the star of the show.