...I'm just not sure of what I'm doing with it.
Here are a few of the shots I took this past weekend of my youngest daughter in her prom dress. We would of got her date but he apparently doesn't feel that comfortable around photographers when it's the intimidating Dad. (Which I very much prefer!)
I shot these with the new SB-700 speed light with the F-Stoppers diffuser over the flash. It diffused well and I had an assistance holding the speed flash in different positions as I experimented with the lighting. This is my first attempt to use this speed light for portrait photography and I am very much open to suggestions and input from you guys.
Out of 87 shots I had 22 keepers that would have been worth showing a client. Several of the bad ones where from having the flash to close or to far away or to strong. This does help me though and this is the first time I've really not had to do much post work. I think I need at least one more speed flash and a reflector.
This one I had the speed light behind her and above her head by about a foot. I had my fill light from my camera and turned down.
A portrait with some backlighting. A bit hard.
On this one I put the speed light in front...obviously, but I so wish I would have had another with almost a snoot to use as a kicker or hair light. A soft reflector to the right would have help with those weird shadows.
This one we got the speed light behind her and blew out some tree limbs. This is the shot that I realized she needs to bend her arms in the pose. I need to get the light allot less intense and wrangled in to where I want it. The pose is weird and the lighting is weird and it hurts because this was my favorite background.