After teaching myself to handle the very slight delay of an EVF, a technique adapted from SLR days of 'one eye to frame and the other eye around the camera' to time the shot [ and watch for blinks by human subjects ], I have no trouble. Both the EVF and Mirror system suffer from the same problem that the SLR has and that is 'going to black' for the moment of exposure ... so neither are superior to the other and the 'two eyes' provides my answer irrespective of what viewfinder I am using.
A side issue is my firm belief that people normally blame their gear for their human failings and in this case their reaction time.
For sports/action ..... photographers developed the logical answer of the 'wire' or 'sports' finder years before digital came on the scene and I had that option in my Rollieflex of yesteryears and my first film camera had one ... my Coronet Cub which was an 828 film camera with just a trigger.
The lens came out from the body like the Leica Elmar f/3.5 50mm which I was later to use![]()