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Tejal, I think you have a very good image here, and the B&W conversion was both good and necessary. Necessary because these scenes (at least to me) seem to translate much better in B&W rather than color, because it's more about the tones, shapes, textures, all of which lend to the gestalt of the image.
Regarding Manfred's comment about subject; to me the entire image IS the subject, one in which the eye can roam about, exploring all the nuances within the image. I see these images as an analog to landscape photography. The *subject* could be an individual, much as the *subject* could be a tree, while and entire street scene is equally the *subject* as is that of a panoramic landscape shot.
What I really like about this image is the balance of three people and three animals. The man to the left/center is occupied, as is the dog on the motorcycle. The man on the right is likewise occupied, but the goat has stopped supervising and is looking at us. Meanwhile in the distance an man is disappearing out of the scene and this has captured the attention of the dog in the middle of the image. I just think this is a very well captured street scene that has a lot going on, all of which captures my attention.