Very nice!
Yes it is and I like the POV.
I like it, but...I think the bell would stand out more if the DOF had been centered on it and slightly shallower.
I really like the contrasting shapes and angles, it is avery interesting and engaging composition for me.
Great exposure detail as well.
It is great to find different kind of interesting day the forum is full of bugs, next birds, architecture...and now a door bell. I have a smaller version of this bell at my house in Melbourne but the lines and shapes here also catches the attention -- the green round shrub and the vertical one breaks the monotony of the browns. Good shot, Mark!
Nice composition.
Nice capture Mark, well spotted!
Thanks Barbara,
Cheers Jim, appreciated
Alan, thanks, its one of those calls - sharp on bell background OOF, can see that working but was not thinking that way when I took it
Thank you Kay, much appreciated
Thanks Izzie, its what I like about CiC as well - always something of interest and such a broad spectrum of subjects
Cheers John
Thank you David, appreciated, almost going to zoom in and spot the fly but resisted
Very nice - where were you ? It looks National Trust ?
Nice shot, Mark. I like your composition on this scene.
With all of the strong horizontal and vertical lines, I wonder how it would look if you had done a Dutch tilt?
This is a really good image, I really like the colors, tone...the whole composition. My only point would be that for some reason I keep wishing there were a bottom to that door. It just seems to me that showing the entire door and perhaps a step or landing would *ground* the image for me.
Very nice image, it would also look good in B&W
Maybe a tiny bit more space on the right and top would be nice; but I'm not complaining about what you have here, and possibly you had to exclude something.
Hi Kaye, thanks, its Forde Abbey Dorset.
Thanks Manfred, not sure about that, if it was more abstract, the building sides only then yes would try it, but with the bell I cant see it, please feel free to play with it
Jack, agree, checked the ones I have, see the original - there was a rough bit on the bottom of the door, could probably clone it or cover it in reality
Thank you Binnur, my skill at converting would not allow me to make a good image of it. I think the contrast would not be strong enough on the walls if i did.
Geoff, there is a bit more on the top and right. I think this comes back to my need to learn composition a bit better - there is no issue with the space, it was my judgement, and may be not a good call - this is the original full jpg from camera - feel free to play with it everyone
Hi Binnur, thanks, thats interesting. Given the graphical elements of the building I can see this working, good improvement in the sky, my only thought is - does the bell stand out from the building enough as the wall behind it is dark as well. But I am sure with a bit more time you could make it a good image in B & W - better than I could !
Mark...I like all these from the original to the edits of both Binnur and Peter...all different treatment...the possibilities are endless here because the photographer did very well right from the start. 'agree with Jack about the bottom of the door too but then you got what you got...did not really noticed it until he commented on it. I think I was more concerned with the shapes and textures...
Mark,I think there is enough seperation between the bell and the wall, but if you want more of it, it is always possible with some more PP. I just wanted to show you that the image also works in B&W . I'm new into B&W conversions , so I don't think I'm any better than you