If I may light heartedly, and with no offence intended to Izzie, have a little fun ...
oh dear, CiC standards are slipping; it turns out the thread title is
completely wrong!
The harvestman and the toad" actually sounds more intriguing, I think you'll agree
Would I have done any better?
Well, I
did know it was a harvestman (but not why, until Mark explained).
Alas I still cannot differentiate frogs from toads (I have forgotten how, despite recalling being told).
UPDATE: OK I just googled
the difference, so I'll know for next time
This is a toad because of the warty skin (not smooth) and 'compact' legs (for walking, not jumping), plus apparently frog eyes are more 'bulging' than toad eyes. From these still images, that's about it - but if you see one, the location (humidity/wetness), tongue, feet and movement are other indicators. Anything else?
Cheers, Dave