Well the unthinkable has happened - after Tobias' thread, a sturdy CF card has curled up its toes here in Australia.
It was on the school/work 7D camera.
We have a young guy working as a sports trainee/assistant on his Gap year.
He's the son of a friend & is keen as mustard on photography, so I'm sharing the sports photo work as much as possible. The dreaded event of card failure happened at the school surf champs , nothing major if we can't recover the files, as there will be an Interschool comp next, that the best kids will go to.
The lesson however is there, that it can happen & he is shooting a family member's relaxed home/garden wedding very soon, so it's a very timely lesson.
Anyway I am about to download one of the free recovery software programs mentioned in that other thread.
My question is now about card readers, as on reading through past forum threads on this, 'cheap/dodgy' ones of those have been complicit in the blame when this happens, so I thought it worthwhile to maybe upgrade that particular step in the chain.
Suggestions on brands models of card reader for CF card grateful accepted & I'll report back how the recovery process goes.