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Thread: free nef dng converter

  1. #21

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    Re: free nef dng converter

    Quote Originally Posted by petercfischer View Post
    well ya'll never know, everything's sooo different in texas...which only add the unfamiliar to us non americans...oh no another faux pas

    Quote Originally Posted by petercfischer View Post
    well mike, just don't like to use caps when doing this type of informal typing, no offense intended.
    [rant] Offense was given immediately when someone's name was typed without a capital. There is a similar type of person over on DPR who insists on typing "merrill", not "Merrill", which is extremely disrespectful to the now-deceased inventor of the Foveon sensor and to his widow who actually posts there. Fortunately, over there, people can be added to one's "ignore" list so that one never has to read gibberish again [/rant]

  2. #22

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    Re: free nef dng converter

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Fortunately, over there, people can be added to one's "ignore" list
    The same can be done here at CiC.

  3. #23
    petercfischer's Avatar
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    Re: free nef dng converter

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    The same can be done here at CiC.
    many thanks for the cumulative responses of so many of you folks. your insights + factual clarifications are beneficial. so much so we have bitten the bullet to shuffled our storage hierarchy + workflow procedures going forward. an investment in lightroom 5 [with online upgraded to 5.7] has committed us to this alternative. frustration with lightroom 6 hardware requirements reinforces our assessment of the adobe digital eco system. your workflow suggestions have been considered as part of our revision. it is also entertaining to read some of the thread's contributors, both from their irrelevance to the focus of the subject under discussion, as well as concurrent comments/solutions by others who agree with our reactions to some of these gratuitous grammatical and/or formatting grievances. no doubt 'digital rot' will come back to haunt us with a vengeance further down the road. till then thanks for your contributions.

  4. #24

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    Re: free nef dng converter

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    The same can be done here at CiC.
    Thanks for the tip, Mike

  5. #25
    Didace's Avatar
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    Re: free nef dng converter

    Quote Originally Posted by petercfischer View Post
    well mike, just don't like to use caps when doing this type of informal typing, no offense intended. perhaps we should help the general audience [since this can't be news to you] a bit in terms of the CaptureNX2.x + software features...the software is not what we understand as a 'generic converter' of which there are quite a few resident on the computers here on this box. what made the nikon software so distinct when we reviewed it years ago was its ability to download from the camera [using either the 'viewer' (truly closer to a generic converter) or the editor itself], go thru the editing process in a totally non destructive manner [you can of course choose to bake in changes @ anytime but always revert to the original]...then save the outcome as a .nef file if so chosen. this is a raw file produced by the software with the camera collected input as the base upon which all the edits have been made. (read lightroom catalog) this means it is code, so therefore another program capable of reading the code could translate this code to another program [convert it don't you see] the great thing about Capture is you can use this file, with all the accumulated changes in any other program which reads nef files + continue on editing, most often still 'seeing' the nef file output [from the software] process' accumulated changes when baked into an output file. there is always the option to save in jpeg/tiff but when this step is taken this edit too is 'baked in' to the particular output. perhaps what most of the forum commenting here may not realize is the nikon Capture editing program outputs .nef [as in raw] files, in fact these files can be loaded up to the nikon on line 'imagetown' site [similar to a flickr display site] in nef, jpeg, tiff formats for anyone to veiw. a limitation of the nx-d software [the newer program edition to the line] is it more resembles a conventional run of the mill converter in it cannot output .nef but is limited to tiff or jpeg formats. as mentioned in another reply, there was an unrealistic hope on our part someone somewhere had written a program which could take the nef code file+ convert it to a dng code + then back again on demand. dng is really just another proprietary type of raw file [which is not even readable across all of adobe's own products when edited with certain iterations; similarly issue to nikon nx-d file edits [stored in parameter 'sidecars'] are not recognized by nikon nx capture [though this is not true in the converse...nx-d accepts nx-c files + reads them well as a camera originated file. am sure this isn't news to you, though we really added it for the edification of the general forum reader who might not have your product experience. we were just hoping, ya' should never stop hoping...
    These posts are unreadable.

  6. #26
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    Re: free nef dng converter

    you know this whole digression over caps ++ is so over the top it's hard to believe after all the varied [some accurate/some not replies to this thread]...the last contributions have totally lost sight of the original subject. perhaps this is just as well because the subject has been resolved, between the information supplied here plus some further research such that the actions taken obviate the need for further discussion unless there is something new + relevant to contribute. thanks to all nonetheless.

  7. #27
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: free nef dng converter

    I'm going to have to agree with Peter; the question has been answered and the subsequent posts really have nothing to do with the topic, so I am going to close this thread.

    Peter - A number of members have asked that you properly capitalize your sentences in order to make them more readable. I do feel that they are not asking too much. Obviously you do not feel the same way.

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