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Thread: Improve "me lady"

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    wm c boyer

    Improve "me lady"

    What might you do to improve it?

    Improve "me lady"

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Improve "me lady"

    If you prefer realism add a surface for her to stand on, perhaps a pathway leading towards infinity.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Improve "me lady"

    Personally, I found your images made of smoke as pure monochromes far more interesting as compared to this one.

    Somehow, something is getting lost as you make the smoke look more "solid".

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Improve "me lady"

    I am just awed at all of you smoke images!

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    wm c boyer

    Re: Improve "me lady"

    Personally, I found your images made of smoke as pure monochromes far more interesting as compared to this one.
    I'm conflicted here, I find them more interesting as well...they would be more in tune with the
    KISS tenant, of which I am fond.

    My kids have talked me into exhibiting at a local Art Show and should I go to the expenses of
    printing images/tent/space rental only to not sell anything would be a fiscal mistake.

    The question arises...would the monotones sell?

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Improve "me lady"

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    I'm conflicted here, I find them more interesting as well...they would be more in tune with the
    KISS tenant, of which I am fond.

    My kids have talked me into exhibiting at a local Art Show and should I go to the expenses of
    printing images/tent/space rental only to not sell anything would be a fiscal mistake.

    The question arises...would the monotones sell?
    Determine which sizes sell at local art shows (8"x10", 4"x6") and perhaps provide sampling of available sizes, you might be able to exhibit smaller sizes and sell enlargements later.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Improve "me lady"

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    I'm conflicted here, I find them more interesting as well...they would be more in tune with the
    KISS tenant, of which I am fond.

    My kids have talked me into exhibiting at a local Art Show and should I go to the expenses of
    printing images/tent/space rental only to not sell anything would be a fiscal mistake.

    The question arises...would the monotones sell?
    Do monochromes sell, yes of course they do. I have two lithographs in our bedroom and these are certainly monochrome and we bought them because we liked the artist's work. These pieces simply would not work in any other medium and their beauty is the medium.

    I think the real question you are asking is "will my work sell?". I expect that this is something every artist asks and of course no one can answer that question; it depends on who happens to wander by that day, likes the work and is willing to pay the negotiated price for the work. I do think you are a bit hung up on something that you said in a previous post where you were told that colour prints sell a lot better than B&W prints. I don't think you would be competing in the same market as I suspect that the context that statement was made in was about the traditional photograph, rather than the type of work you are doing, so you really can't compare the two.

    Your comment about what your kids have said needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I think I would have gone broke with some of the hair-brained suggestions my kids have suggested to me. Unless they are experts in the subject matter, I wouldn't read that much into their opinions. If you were to ask me if given the choice, would I buy one of your monochromes or one of your coloured versions, there is no question that I would say monochrome, but as I am not an expert either, my opinion is probably just as valid as what your are getting from your kids.

  8. #8

    Re: Improve "me lady"

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