21st April 2015, 07:55 PM
21st April 2015, 08:03 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
Beautiful BFly and well captured.
21st April 2015, 08:03 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
An extremely productive use of that 38 seconds available James
It's No 5 for me, great capture.
21st April 2015, 08:06 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
#5 for me as well - nice, very nice
21st April 2015, 08:24 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
Very nice. Definitely #5. I have not seen an Orange Tip yet this year. They are one of the species to record for the first appearance of Spring.
21st April 2015, 08:27 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
Great captures James. First one for me but only because the BG is clear of the twig.
21st April 2015, 08:38 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
A beautiful creature James. Good of it to cooperate with an extended shoot!
They are all excellent shots.
I’m liking #5.
The reason is for the tad bit more contrast it seems to have over the others. To my eye that brings the detail more (hair-like stuff on the body/wings), the speckling on the wings, and of course, the colors.
I was undecided about the BG. Specifically the “Y” shaped twig or whatever it is. The #1 shot doesn’t have it so prominently. So in comparison I naturally gravitated to it not being so evident. Had I not seen #1 I never would have thought about it probably. Cool that you changed aspect as the subject moved around the “perch”!
In retrospect, it ain’t no thang and may even help point to the subject the way is angled!
One thing I can’t get away from is a couple of specs/spot in the shot (#5). One right by the subject’s wings. I’m sorry but I’m hyper-sensitive to these things from my own preferred subject matter.
I also apologize for my very un-scientific knowledge of the species! I mean really? Hair-like stuff??? Total total philistine I know but they are all from the family Whatthehellibus Isthisicus to me!
Again they are all excellent and I have enjoyed travelling around your frames!
21st April 2015, 08:39 PM
21st April 2015, 09:26 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
Beautiful series of pictures and spot on with the focus!
22nd April 2015, 01:42 AM
22nd April 2015, 08:35 AM
Re: 38 seconds!
Really nice! Preference is #1 bc of the background, but liking the butterfly in #5 bc you can see his eye better.
All in all, what a beautiful species!
22nd April 2015, 12:57 PM
22nd April 2015, 01:20 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
Well James I think the edit looks great.
I’m sorry but I didn’t think I mentioned anything about any blown highlights. Or at least I didn’t mean to! I didn’t really notice anything along that line that stood out.
22nd April 2015, 01:43 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
I like #5 as well! As far as your camera work, eye and post work goes, AWESOME!
It's a marvelous creature you've captured there and I would consider that frame as a trophy of accomplishment. Well done!
22nd April 2015, 01:57 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
Hi Terry, my bad I think, I was scanning responses last night and 'assumed' blown areas on the wings... They tend to blow very quickly. All good though because it did prompt me to take a closer look...
David, I'll be printing it this evening, and I suspect it will be end up a candidate for my top ten wildlife captures.
22nd April 2015, 06:23 PM
Re: 38 seconds!
As you mentioned earlier, James, they do flit around all the time and rarely settle for long enough to focus. This year seems to be particularly good for Orange Tips and they have been flying all around me; one even briefly perched on my camera as soon as I looked away! But so difficult to actually photograph.
I did manage my first shot today but it didn't show the orange flash and was only on a bramble leaf which developed over bright areas in the direct sunshine.
These males spend all their time looking for females and will come to any white object, such as white flowers thinking that it might be a female. Females are all white above which makes them difficult to separate from the other white butterflies that are flitting around; although they do have the same speckled undersides as males.
22nd April 2015, 07:46 PM
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