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Thread: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

  1. #1
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Stationed my camera at the deck where I put a pot holder base I filled with wild bird seeds...hoping to imitate Barbara Ponder's bird shots --- on a small scale: backyard birds. I have a long way to go with birds but I am trying. My first batch was a failure on all 87 shots because I configured my camera manually then pushed the autofocus option. Duhhh!! so I set up my camera again the same way, manually but kept it at manual focus, got myself a glass of cold drink and waited. I was blessed with over 200 shots, 5% of which I did not like but not because they are not as what to do? just choose some comical poses...I will add to this post as I go along with my PP...promise...

    1. What are you looking at?

    First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    2. Not posing for you...

    First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Hope this gremlins this morning...I am eager to hear from you folks...
    Thank you....

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...


    Nicely done, are you using a remote shutter for these?

  3. #3
    Benjy's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    well done Izzie,what kind of bird is it?

  4. #4

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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    That technique is essentially what I use on hummers, 'cept I drink coffee. Well done madam,

  5. #5

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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Great job Izzie! Very nice feather detail! A fellow " Bird Nerd" for sure!

  6. #6

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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Birdie has attitude! Well done. I'm pretty sure that is a brown-headed cowbird. Interesting species. They are called "brood parasites," because they knock one (usually) egg out of another species' nest and plant one of their own, which is then raised by the unwitting foster parents. I've read that scientists figure this behavior evolved because the birds originally followed bison herds on their wanderings, eating what the bison stirred up, and simply didn't have time to raise their own offspring.

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    A good start Izzie,

    Might I suggest that since the results are becoming acceptable - that you might now want to change something that's within your control - replace that pot base with something that is a colour and texture that doesn't 'compete' with your subjects?

    You (or hubby) know what you might be able to spare for your 'art' - perhaps something complementary to the background colour, be that (background) sunlit or not?

    Thinking of the photographic ideal, if the (unseen) inside surfaces were white (and not too many seeds loaded), it could perform as a reflector and provide a bit of fill light into the shadows on the undersides of the birds.

    Better still (if feasible), clamp a piece of branch to the deck rail and shoot them as they perch on that (checking whether it is safe) on their way to the food.

  8. #8

    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Nice shots Izzie. I notice that the planter base is differently colored in #2 so I'm guessing you processed the images differently.
    One suggestion, hang a bag of suet from the railing out of sight so the birds will come but you'll get pics of the birds only.

  9. #9

    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    I think it's a good start and I like all the suggestions, especially Dave's branch idea.

    I'm getting my popcorn and anxiously waiting for the next series!

  10. #10
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    +1 to Dave's comments. I also love the idea of the branch.

  11. #11
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    Nicely done, are you using a remote shutter for these?
    I agree. I use a remote shutter release. Cost me about £8 on Ebay.

    Keep up the good work!


  12. #12
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Very lovely bird and well shot; you are really blessed with an awesome background too....
    Really well done

  13. #13
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Very nice Izzie, did you have to swat this one to get it to sit still

  14. #14
    Ziggy's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Not a bad start at all Izzie.

    Like Dave mentioned I know some people that have built some very fancy natural looking perches to capture the feeder birds in a more natural looking setting.

  15. #15
    marlunn's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    so - Birdies are Go - well done Izzie, nicely taken, + 1 for Daves suggestion of a stick with the feeder just out of frame. I look forward to the more exciting 'in flight' shots as they come into the feeding area shortly

  16. #16
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    I had my remote but it did not work, must the battery, so I left it there connected but used my fingers. And I also forgot to changed my settings on the menu to disable the click sound so I was holding my breath most of the time while my left hand adjusted the manual focus.

    Thank you for viewing and commenting, John...'appreciate it very much...

    P.S. I used my D90 awhile ago and when I clicked shutter, the birds were alarmed, bugger it! I went inside -- there will be more birds. I just bought a proper while bird feeder and positioned on a white rickety table. We'll see...
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    Nicely done, are you using a remote shutter for these?

  17. #17
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjy View Post
    well done Izzie,what kind of bird is it?
    Have no idea, Benjy...a while ago I saw it brought a partner, the same look as he does (I think he is a male) but his companion, whom a suspect is a female is all lighter brown and almost no sheen on the feathers.

    Thank you for viewing and commenting...'appreciate it very much...

  18. #18
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    That technique is essentially what I use on hummers, 'cept I drink coffee. Well done madam,
    Thank you for viewing and commenting, William...we'll have our hummer feeder very soon...not yet. I am still doing other stuffs...'appreciate your passing by ...

  19. #19
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please...

    Quote Originally Posted by Barbara Ponder View Post
    Great job Izzie! Very nice feather detail! A fellow " Bird Nerd" for sure!
    Not yet, Barbara...too early to tell...I am taking baby steps before I can be like you and Christina for I decided on these backyard birds first while I am busy doing my garden each is my rest time to wet my beak with a cold drink and pressing that shutter button. I will soon give my remote a workout... I appreciate your viewing and commenting...

  20. #20
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: First of my birdie attitude series...for C&C please... I gather from googling a while ago...I wonder what this one brought with him/her that is lighter brown in colour a while ago...I have to take a shot of that...thank you for the ID. I appreciate your viewing and commenting very much...
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Barry View Post
    Birdie has attitude! Well done. I'm pretty sure that is a brown-headed cowbird. Interesting species. They are called "brood parasites," because they knock one (usually) egg out of another species' nest and plant one of their own, which is then raised by the unwitting foster parents. I've read that scientists figure this behavior evolved because the birds originally followed bison herds on their wanderings, eating what the bison stirred up, and simply didn't have time to raise their own offspring.

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