Just returned from a trip to one of Queensland, Australia's best national parks at Carnarvon Gorge. It's a bit of a photographer's paradise. The native animals are used to humans so approaching them for close ups is not too much of a problem. These are some of my shots from around the campsite....
Pretty Face Wallaby
Eastern Grey kangaroo
Odd man out. An Egret with three Royal Spoonbills and a Yellow Billed Spoonbill
Keelback snake, non venomous by the way.
A couple of Platypuses. They're seldom seen and difficult to photograph because they're quite shy and only come out in the early morning and late afternoon. These were shot at f2.8 and ISO 2000. Sorry about the bright highlight/reflections but a polarising filter would have lost me about one stop of light.
And finally when you walk through the world don't forget to take the time to stop and smell the grass seeds