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Thread: Looking for lizard love

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Central Texas, USA

    Looking for lizard love

    He is showing off to attract a lady friend. Canon S5 IS:

    Looking for lizard love

  2. #2

    Re: Looking for lizard love

    Looking for lizard love
    Wrong forum!

    Seriously, a very good shot. Great detail, and colour. Good DOF on the lizard, but you have also managed a very nice bokeh. A little over-exposed on the post I think.

  3. #3
    JK6065's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for lizard love

    I like this one very much. It's great to see how the colours and shapes of background matches the lizard itself. The lizard looks nice and sharp and the 'pose' looks good. The post doesn't bother me though a little more contrast on the lizard would improve the sense of detail and texture of the skin I think.

    The only thing that might need some work is the crop. I think it would look better if you took some of the left, to get rid of some of the white and some more room at the top and the bottom would look better also (but maybe this isn't framed in the shot it selves?)

    Although I'm not a lady, this looks quite attractive to me .

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for lizard love

    Hi Tom,

    Call it a hunch, but I think you have been creative with a bit of background color-washing there, the shape of the purple nicely mirrors the lizard.

    This also explains why there is quite so much on the left, you couldn't achieve that effect with much, if any, less.

    I quite like the whole effect, might be better with some noise reduction, but beyond that, I'm not creative enough myself to suggest any improvements.


  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Central Texas, USA

    Re: Looking for lizard love

    I thought about a vertical, but when I saw the serendipitous background colors on the monitor, it changed everything. The background is simply the flowers, grass and trees of my back yard, but completely out of focus. The only change I made was to clone out a distracting hot-spot of sky in the upper left.

  6. #6
    Stinky's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for lizard love

    Great colors in the lizard

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