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Thread: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

  1. #1
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    I caught two bugs yesterday while was something black that flies and the other one I was told is a June bug. I asked hubby to pick it up for me because it is inside a pot. Yup! he picked it up all I asked him to put it in one of the glass container from my kitchen window. Yup, he did that too...Then I asked him to put it in a place where Buddy (his son) will not mistaken it for something to throw away...he put it on top of the window sill. Later on he knocked on the window and said that my bug is alive. It is moving...

    Great...that is easy -- since he had done everything else, why not do the rest of it for me then? He said --but that is your "pet". I said it doesn't barkkkkk??? Long story short, the bugs went to the fridge for the rest of the day...and night.

    Sunday morning...they are still alive...the black whatever it is, has a very poor personality so I let it fly away in the warmth of the sunshine...this one I want to keep

    1. Wake up buggsie---let us go to church!

    So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    2. Hallehoop! Geez! that LED is burning my eyes...turn it off!

    So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    3. I am not ready, but this is how I am going to me!

    So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    4. Boo!!!

    So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    5. He does not want to cooperate so I put him back in the fridge...alone.

    So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    ...I don't have a proper macro lens ... yet .. but it will let me just play around on what I can find...when I do find them...if you have gone this far, what a waste of your time, huh...??? Sorry... (No I am not!!!...)

    Wasn't this entertaining enough for all of you to break the seriousness sometimes? Cheers...

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Nice efforts.

  3. #3
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Just you keep at it pal you can show us all when that macro comes!

  4. #4

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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Insect photography, Izzie, is something of a specialist subject; as I'm sure you are beginning to find out.

    My first thoughts about these images are:

    Getting correct exposure is difficult. Some exposure compensation is usually necessary. With static subjects you do have an opportunity to control the lighting, unlike outside shots. You do have some over exposed hot spots.

    When using flash for insects, I set the camera manually to suit the scene then vary the flash output compensation but any flash, like direct sunshine, is fraught with over exposure issues. However it is often the only option which will give you a sufficient shutter speed and narrow aperture for good focus depth.

    Correct focus is another tricky area. In most cases forget about auto focus and try manual focus on a tripod. Yes, a bit cumbersome at times but easier in the long run; at least initially while you are learning techniques. It looks as though you have focused on the foreground not the intended subject areas.

    Manual focus on a tripod will also allow for stacking of different focus points, if you have suitable stacking software; apart from serious subject movement problems. Make sure you focus on the best areas, such as the eyes; or other important areas if photographing specifically for identification purposes.

    One other suggestion for subjects is moths. I find them attracted to a light placed in a suitable window where I simply 'pot them up' and store in the refrigerator overnight. When placed on suitable background material such as a piece of bark or old leaves etc they usually remain completely still while you photograph them. Which gives you the chance to use longer shutter speeds on a tripod away from direct sunlight.

    I find that in many cases, if you choose the correct background material, they become so settled that they are difficult to remove after the session has ended.

  5. #5
    Ziggy's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Looks like you are having fun, that's the most important thing.

    Heading to the Outer Banks Monday for a few weeks but when I get back I will start looking for bugs.

  6. #6
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    & I'm very glad they're not spiders, cos I'm scared of spiders!
    There is a huge one that has made a home in our backyard tucked against a fence, then comes out at night on an enormous web...I want to take its photo, but I literally cannot even look through the viewfinder from a distance at it.... Big sook I know, but that's me.
    Keep going with your journey & a smile is always a good thing!

  7. #7
    marlunn's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    poor little beetle, it comes out when its warm and you put it in the fridge! no wonder it dont want to play

    keep at it Izzie, getting there, its all about practice and as stated - so long as you have fun and enjoy the learning - going good !

  8. #8
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Looks like you are having fun! Sometimes the journey is more fun than the destination!

  9. #9
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice efforts.
    Thanks John...

  10. #10
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by deetheturk View Post
    Just you keep at it pal you can show us all when that macro comes!
    Sure will've been after me for that macro lens and I kept pushing back... Thanks, mate.

  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    I only did 8 shots this time because I only knew too well that my lens will not work as good as a good real macro is a specialist genre that I would like to try one of these days...hence I kept at shooting each day, hoping that I will learn from them the lessons that Geoff tried to instill in my focus at a time...

    The hot spot was from the LED flashlight I put in front of it, but it keeps moving and rolling around, I hardly knew when to push the shutter. I had no time to look at my lighting..I have one light from the ceiling and a little 10 LED flashlight moving it from where the bug moves and back. I just want a simple shot and the silly bugger doesn't want to cooperate so I made a comedy out of my shots instead...

    I am taking this bug shot one step at a time. Once I learn how to take a manageable moving object through this, I will get through my frustration...

    Thank you so much for all your advise...I have take note of them to use when I can..
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Insect photography, Izzie, is something of a specialist subject; as I'm sure you are beginning to find out.

    My first thoughts about these images are:

    Getting correct exposure is difficult. Some exposure compensation is usually necessary. With static subjects you do have an opportunity to control the lighting, unlike outside shots. You do have some over exposed hot spots.

    When using flash for insects, I set the camera manually to suit the scene then vary the flash output compensation but any flash, like direct sunshine, is fraught with over exposure issues. However it is often the only option which will give you a sufficient shutter speed and narrow aperture for good focus depth.

    Correct focus is another tricky area. In most cases forget about auto focus and try manual focus on a tripod. Yes, a bit cumbersome at times but easier in the long run; at least initially while you are learning techniques. It looks as though you have focused on the foreground not the intended subject areas.

    Manual focus on a tripod will also allow for stacking of different focus points, if you have suitable stacking software; apart from serious subject movement problems. Make sure you focus on the best areas, such as the eyes; or other important areas if photographing specifically for identification purposes.

    One other suggestion for subjects is moths. I find them attracted to a light placed in a suitable window where I simply 'pot them up' and store in the refrigerator overnight. When placed on suitable background material such as a piece of bark or old leaves etc they usually remain completely still while you photograph them. Which gives you the chance to use longer shutter speeds on a tripod away from direct sunlight.

    I find that in many cases, if you choose the correct background material, they become so settled that they are difficult to remove after the session has ended.

  12. #12
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziggy View Post
    Looks like you are having fun, that's the most important thing.

    Heading to the Outer Banks Monday for a few weeks but when I get back I will start looking for bugs.
    Thanks Jim for passing by...yes I did have fun while trying to photograph these wiggly one...I still have him...he's back in the fridge. One more day tomorrow and if he survives after our trip to the Botanical Garden, we'll do another photoshoot...

  13. #13
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    & I'm very glad they're not spiders, cos I'm scared of spiders!
    There is a huge one that has made a home in our backyard tucked against a fence, then comes out at night on an enormous web...I want to take its photo, but I literally cannot even look through the viewfinder from a distance at it.... Big sook I know, but that's me.
    Keep going with your journey & a smile is always a good thing!
    Thank you Kay...I had caught this teenie weenie spider a few days ago and put it in a container with a hole on the cover, put it in the fridge, expecting it to be less moveable....I took a peek the next was still moving so I left it there another day because I didn't have time to set up my this as too busy gardening another two days passed and I forgot about it until I was looking for some ingredients in the fridge and saw the container...guess what the spider was doing???? --- it took over the container and built a web all over it. I threw the whole thing in the bin.

  14. #14
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Thanks Mark...for the smiles...yeah, when I have more time, I will play with it some more. I am more waiting for the bees to come out...but they are not around yet...thank you for your comments. I really do appreciate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by marlunn View Post
    poor little beetle, it comes out when its warm and you put it in the fridge! no wonder it dont want to play

    keep at it Izzie, getting there, its all about practice and as stated - so long as you have fun and enjoy the learning - going good !

  15. #15
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by joebranko View Post
    Looks like you are having fun! Sometimes the journey is more fun than the destination!
    Yes I did have fun shooting this one when I decided to accept my sorry shooting situation. It felt good. Thank you for your kind comment...makes it more easier to swallow my failures.

  16. #16

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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    I think the first shot is the best of the lot. The bug looks like it is skipping along, happy and carefree.

  17. #17

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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Izzie, I thought they were pretty good. I am excited to see what you will do with a macro lens!

  18. #18

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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Izzie, I haven't been here much in the last couple of weeks and look what great images I see from you. Love the commentary and image 1 looks really good to me. Keep it up gal.

  19. #19
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    Thank you Greg...the silly thing was actually having a hard time trying to roll over... When someone is helping you with the sharp side of Bar-b stick, you will refuse to cooperate too...

    Barbara and Rita...thank you for your kind words...I am flattered...

    OK before I believe my own advertisements, I better settle down and thank you all for for passing by. I really do appreciate your comments and feedbacks as it helps me learn many things I can be an expert on one day...

  20. #20
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: So I am not yet a bug-o-grapher...for C&C

    A nice series Izzie. We usually call them Chafers (or Cockchabfers) on this side of the pond, but they also get called Maybugs or Junebugs. These names suggest that they are commoner in those months. So, keep practising till then. The males have fantastic feathery antennae (feelers) which make great macro subjects to look forward to.


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