Insect photography, Izzie, is something of a specialist subject; as I'm sure you are beginning to find out.
My first thoughts about these images are:
Getting correct exposure is difficult. Some exposure compensation is usually necessary. With static subjects you do have an opportunity to control the lighting, unlike outside shots. You do have some over exposed hot spots.
When using flash for insects, I set the camera manually to suit the scene then vary the flash output compensation but any flash, like direct sunshine, is fraught with over exposure issues. However it is often the only option which will give you a sufficient shutter speed and narrow aperture for good focus depth.
Correct focus is another tricky area. In most cases forget about auto focus and try manual focus on a tripod. Yes, a bit cumbersome at times but easier in the long run; at least initially while you are learning techniques. It looks as though you have focused on the foreground not the intended subject areas.
Manual focus on a tripod will also allow for stacking of different focus points, if you have suitable stacking software; apart from serious subject movement problems. Make sure you focus on the best areas, such as the eyes; or other important areas if photographing specifically for identification purposes.
One other suggestion for subjects is moths. I find them attracted to a light placed in a suitable window where I simply 'pot them up' and store in the refrigerator overnight. When placed on suitable background material such as a piece of bark or old leaves etc they usually remain completely still while you photograph them. Which gives you the chance to use longer shutter speeds on a tripod away from direct sunlight.
I find that in many cases, if you choose the correct background material, they become so settled that they are difficult to remove after the session has ended.