D810#3 Cape Circle #2-Sunset-14-24 HD1b by drummist53, on Flickr
D810#3 Cape Circle #2-Sunset-14-24 HD1b by drummist53, on Flickr
Last edited by zutty; 27th April 2015 at 09:33 PM.
Looks good; apart from a tiny bright spot in the clouds on the right side, possibly a distant bird? And below it in the far distant shoreline another spot possibly a light which looks a bit out of place.
Sometimes shadows can be a problem but in this case they add to the interest.
Crazy sky for sure and a really interesting capture. Nice!
Lovely capture!
Very nice shot...and good view.
Very nice shot Jeff I would use a different title though as the clouds dominate the scene. Or I would crop the big dark bunch of clouds to put the emphasis more on the jogger.
Considering the approaching weather:
Race the Rain (instead of wind)
Or Home and Dry?
What am I running away from?
+1 to Binnur's comment.