Why do you need PP skills when you can capture images like these. Very nice set. Strangely, although I agree with you on the first one, the third image is my favourite.
Nice series Barbara...I particularly like the last one...I like the shape of the outstretched neck and its teether-tottering way of balancing itself on the branch. Also the beak is more separated than the second one.
Nice set.
Agreed! I like the third one best as well.
Very nice set
Very nice set Barbara, you are getting very good at this bird thing
Very good indeed. I'd be made up with them
Beautiful set, Barbara.
Nice images Barbara. If not a large crop you might turn the first image into a portrait, then no need to worry about the feet. Anyways, you have captured my nemesis bird, I just do not have any good images of this bird. Nice work.
Very funny, Joe. Nemesis really seems to be the most adequate word, as I remember you saying the same thing some years ago, when I shared my first BCNH images here. Just fly down to Rio, they are quite common here!
Barbara, this is a nice set. The branches spoils #2 a little, but on nature/bird photography, sometimes we can not avoid them.
Well done!
A very nice series, Barbara. I like number two.
It looks like you've captured it around nesting time and it is gathering material. Nice set. We get them here in Florida but they are not as common as the Yellow-crowned. I do see them around Venice Rookery and elsewhere.
Thanks David! One day I hope to BRANCH out sorry could not resist. Right now is breeding season for most of our birds and I live close to many rookeries and sanctuaries. My favorite time of the year. It was about this time last year I took my first bird picture and I've been hooked since.